Secrets revealed

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Chapter 12

Maddie's Pov

I shot up in my sleep after having another nightmare of Uncle Sam. "Damn it why did this have to happen to us." I said quietly. "Maddie are you okay?" I flinched before I realized it was Niall. "Yeah knight I'm fine, just a night mare." I said "oh okay...wait did you just call me knight?" He asked "yeah because you saved Rosie and I's life and you're my knight in shining armor." I said to him with a smile. "Awe Maddie you're so cute." He said and I think I blushed. "You okay Baby you were scared before." "I'm fine just a nightmare the usual." I told him. "Okay well goodnight maddie I love you." He said and gave me a kiss on my forehead "love you too" I said and gave him a hug. "Wait Niall how did you know to come in here?" I asked "I had a feeling you girls needed me. I'm going to check on Rosie now okay? Love you." He said and walked our of the door. "Love you too." I said. then I went in to the bathroom to wash my face. I forgot that it was connected to Rosie's room so I could hear her and Niall talking. "Niall you know about maddie and I's past what's yours?" Rosie asked Niall, I was going to go back to bed but I want to know niall's story too. Niall stated telling Rosie his heart breaking story and I sat by the door closest to Rosie's room and stayed really quiet. Silent tears fell down my face as I heard. I know that Rosie knows I'm hiding and listening. Niall finally finished his story and Rosie asked him "does anyone else no about your past?" Niall said no that Rosie was the only one that knew and well me too but he doesn't know that. I hope he doesn't hate me if he finds out that I was eves dropping. I ran too my room and sat on my bed thinking about niall's story. How could anyone kill a little boys family and use him as a gangs slave and then try and kill him? That's worse than Uncle Sam in my opinion although I don't know what would've happened if Rosie and I stayed there. Like Niall said though he's glad it happened because he got a better life and he's right because Rosie and I got a better life too.

*next morning*

Zayn's Pov

"Maddie wake up it's 10 o'clock and we have a lot to do today." I said trying to wake one of my lazy daughters up. "Ugh fine." She said. She's not that hard to wake up. "Morning maddie" "morning papa bear." She said and I smiled "papa bear?" I asked "yes because you're cuddly like a teddy bear and you're my daddy so papa bear." She said and I smiled "well you're also cuddly like a teddy bear and you're my baby so you can be baby bear." I said "yay." She smiled. I kissed her head "get dressed so we can do stuff." I said "you have 5 minutes." She looked at me like I was crazy "5 minutes are you kidding that's not even enough time to do my hair!" She said. "I was kidding take all the time you need." I said she laughed and I walked out of her room.

*20 minutes later*

Maddies Pov

It took me 20 minutes to get ready...hey don't judge I'm a girl and I need to look decent. When I walked out I saw Rosie talking to papa bear, Niall I don't know I didn't see him. He might be still sleeping. I'm afraid to see him to be honest, and daddy Payne who I decided to call baba now final answer he's baba. I'll tell him later. Standing by him self so I went over to Him. "Hi baba." I said. Make that now. "Hi maddie." He said and hugged me "so I'm baba now?" He asked "yes that's my final answer I will not change it even again." I said and he laughed. "It's okay maddie." After he said that I don't know why but I just hugged him and didn't let go for about 10 minutes. "I love you baba thank you for saving us both of you are seriously the best thing that's happened to us." I told him and he kissed my head again. "I love you too maddie and you're welcome and all three of us will never leave you two ever." He said. "Promise?" I asked. "Promise."

*later that night*

Niall's Pov

Maddie has been avoiding me all day. There's something wrong with her I can tell and I think it might have to do to me. Maddie was in here room for a while and I could hear her playing the piano so I decided to go ask her if she was okay. I knocked on the door and she answered and looked up at me with sad eyes. "Hi angel." I said with a smile. "Hi Niall." She said with a sad smile. Yeah something's wrong. "Can I come in?" I asked and she nodded and opened the door more and let me in. "Maddie be honest with me, are you okay." I asked. "I'm fine." She's lying "angel you can tell me anything." I said. "But you'll hate me if I do. I wasn't supposed to know." She said and tears started streaming down her face. I whipped them away. "Angel I could never hate you you could tell me anything and what do you mean you weren't supposed to know? You can tell me it's okay." I said and she sighed. "I over heard you telling Rosie your story last night and I shouldn't have been eves dropping you probably hate me now. I'm sorry." She said. She thinks I hate her because she heard my story. Poor baby I'm glad she knows I would've told her anyways if she asked but now that she knows I'm glad so we can save tears. Well not really she's crying. "Angel hey it's okay I'm not mad. I'm glad you know. Now you and Rosie the two people I trust the most know. Please stop crying okay I love you." I said and she put her head in my chest listening to my heart beat. "Okay knight. Thank you for not hating me." She said "never will i ever hate you." I said and she smiled. "Wanna go down stairs with the other 3?" I asked and she nodded. "Piggy back ride?" She asked with the cutest puppy face. "Yes fine just stop with the face." I said "yay." And with that I carried her downstairs and we all watched a movie.

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