The meeting

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Chapter 2

Present day

Maddie's POV

Ever since our parents death and than living with crazy Uncle Sam my sister and I's lives changed forever. we are now 15 years old and have been living on the street since we were 11, and we dance for money. Uncle Sam never came too look for us which we are both forever grateful because living with him was like a living hell. We are both getting ready to dance. We found an old boom box that we use to play the radio and we dance to what ever song comes on. This very upbeat and catchy song came on so I looked at Rosie and we both started dancing. Soon a crowd were around us and throwing money. Hopefully we get enough for food.

Niall's Pov

I decided to take a break from all the craziness going on in London with the band and go on a vacation in New York City, my favorite city in the world. I walked down the street casually when I came to this crowd of people cheering and loud music. I walked to the front and saw these little twin girls dancing...they were amazing. I couldn't help but notice that they we're dirty, barefoot, and very skinny. As they kept dancing I fell more and more in love with them and wanted to help them so much. I waited until they stopped dancing and the crowd disputed. They sat on the ground counting their money and smiling at one another. "We did it" they said at the same time. Wow twin power must really be a thing. I walked over to them kindly and said "hello." They looked up and looked scared to death. "W-who are you?" One stuttered "d-did he send you to hurt us?" The other said, what were they talking about? "No one sent me...I'm Niall I couldn't help but notice how amazing you guys are at dancing and how you look like you need help so I want to help you." I said. "How do we know we can trust you?" The one that spoke first asked. Oh sassy twins. "Because I am a trust worth guy" I said "you don't look like it with all those tattoos and piercings." The other said. Damn really sassy. "Hey just because I look like a punk well I am one doesn't mean I'm not nice." I told them. "You're right sorry we just don't normally trust people." I smiled at them "it's okay now what are your names so I can stop calling you twin one and twin two in my head." They laughed "I'm Madeline but call me Maddie please I Hate me name." Twin one or Maddie said. "Maddie and?" I smiled at the other "Rosaline but call me Rosie because I don't line being called by my full name either." Rosie said. "Maddie and Rosie, very twin like names." I said "well duh we're twins our names are supposed to match." They said at the same time. "Sassy two aren't you." I said. "Yup." Maddie said popping the p "so can you guys trust me or no?" I asked them, they looked at each other making conversation with their eyes, I was beginning to worry when Maddie said "yeah Niall we can trust you." I smiled wide and did my signature jump in the air "yay! I know the perfect family for you!" I shouted excited, but I left out that one detail that they're in London.

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