Part 72

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A/n: I'm not going to sob to you guys about why I've been gone for like 2/3 months so we are just going to get into the chapter. But something important I need to tell you guys is Melanie won't be getting back together with Ally at all because of what she has done in real life. Now if your a fan I'm not going to sit here and ramble with you guys because I truly liked Melanie and this broke my heart but I just want you guys to know that and no shade to her at all if you are a fan I just want to tell you guys this and not make a big deal.

Also my writing should be a little better because I've been practicing a lot with writing music or like in 10 million essays I've been doing surprisingly well on 🤨

Ally's POV

We all walked out the door, well walking is an understatement, Dinah and Camila were arm in arm skipping out the door with their bags ready. These children, I swear if anyone hurts them they are dead.

The mom side of me always kicks in which I guess is good because we all know we have to protect each other if anything happens and it's literally a need for me to be protective even if I'm not there and even though I'm small and usually the target of being the child.

"Guysssss we need to go to the suburban neighborhoods," Dinah groaned out.

"Uh whatever, if you guys go down this street and back up the other side I can drive you guys wherever you want," I told them and they all jumped. They are all so cute I can't with them sometimes. I'm usually the annoyed mother but right now I feel like these are my actual children and I love them with all my hearts. Wow I'm a sap.

"THANKS MOM!" Camila came hugging me which led to a group hug.

"Y'all know I'll do anything for my children," I told them smiling.

"Anything?" Dinah said wiggling her eyebrow

"Okay maybe not anything, but what are you insinuating here?" I said raising my eyebrow in suspicion.

"Text Halsey right now and give her a time to come over to my house for the party," Dinah responded and I blushed at the thought of Halsey coming over. Maybe she does not really like me? She was probably really drunk when we hooked up? But she didn't leave the morning I woke up? Uh this is killing me.

"Uhh fine, I'll think about it, and also you guys are underage so no drinking and I'll buy the alcohol for the party, but if your inviting underage people then no," I scolded.

"Come one Ally, you know we drank before, but not Dinah because she is a good girl," Lauren said laughing with Camila.

"Hey she is a bad girl sometimes but I think it's so attractive that you have never drank or smoked before, but anyway it's your decision what you do and I don't mind any deviation you make," Normani said to Dinah which they both smiled and started kissing.

Okay I regret calling them all my children because basically what I'm condoning is incest.

"Okay y'all stop it and let's go already," I told them and we all went through the small neighborhood around Dinah's house in an hour.


We were now back to Dinah's house and I got in my black SUV which fit all of us and started driving down to more suburban neighborhoods that not too many people went to because Dinah said it was her secret and they gave bigger candy's and candy in bigger amounts because not to many people came.

"Ally do you want to eat some candy with us or stay in the car because you might have to drive us a couple times because the houses are farther apart?" Camila asked.

"I'll stay in the car, I don't eat too much candy and anyway I have quite a bit I already have from earlier so..." I said and they all smiled and walked out the the first house in the suburban neighborhood.


After another hour and a half we went through two more suburban neighborhoods and they were all exhausted but each of them had two bags full of candy.

"Dang I thought y'all would take longer but it was like y'all were on a mission," I told them laughing after we started heading back to Dinah's house which the party was in 45 minutes.

"That shit WAS a mission damn," Lauren said.

I just laughed not wanting to scold Lauren because we all know she has a potty mouth anyway.

We all then got back to Dinah's house and started setting up some more decorations and moving every expensive thing into rooms upstairs and locking the other doors upstairs with keys that Dinah kept safe. Then Dinah started whining that food will be stolen from her refrigerator so basically we had to unplug it and the four girls moved it into the garage and plugged it back in and then locked the garage while I watched in amusement.

"Well how much time do we have?" Normani asked me.

"Twenty minutes," I responded and we all sat on the couch exhausted.

"Damn I don't think I will be able to get through this party without passing out," Lauren said while all of us agreed.

"Now I don't want to be a horrible mother so I'm going to do something I will one hundred percent take back later on," I said and then grabbed out a package of bud light and some different wine bottles.

"Jesus Christ Ally I love you!" Lauren yelled already grabbing out a beer and opening it while we all laughed.

"If y'all don't like beer you can take some of the wine because it's just for us," I told them and Normani grabbed a wine glass and had some wine while Camila got a beer with Lauren.

"Camila have you had alcohol before?" I asked.

"Remember the fake ID that Lauren had that one day, well I had some of her alcohol that day and recently went out with her and had a couple drinks," Camila said while Lauren kissed her cheek.

"What have you done to her Lauren," Dinah said shaking her head.

"Do you want anything Dinah? You don't have to at all," I asked after a minute of laughing.

"Sure why not, I won't be young forever," Dinah said grabbing a beer.

"You sure baby? You seriously don't have to," Normani asked Dinah.

"Seriously I'm ready, I'm seventeen and almost eighteen which would mean I would be legal in the UK, I'm fine," Dinah said opening he beer and taking a sip making a disgusted face.

"You will get used to it, it's bad at first," Lauren said and we all laughed with her.

Normani offered Dinah some wine which she accepted and we all started drinking.

They then all convinced me to text Halsey to come over and because I was a little tipsy from a couple glasses of wine I just did it and she actually responded that she would come over which all the girls screamed.

Maybe tonight won't be as bad, why not just have fun with my girls and have them meet Halsey even though they said they already basically know her because she is famous, which I had no idea about and I'm not taking advantage of that. I just want to see how this goes and the girls are helping me a lot with moving on and I love them all.

So tonight we raise our glasses and have as much fun as possible.

Let the partying commence

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