Part 16

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A/n: Last reminder that it's going to be a POV chapter they will get back to texting later on but I'm thinking of putting in a little bit more POV chapters so if you don't like that please ask because I don't have the whole story planned out so I can easily switch it up for anyone. P.s. Long chapter. Love y'all and thank you for reading ❤️.

Ally's POV
We all finally got done eating our pizza and to be honest these hoes were annoying the whole time only talking about Beyoncé or Rihanna and don't get me wrong they slay but you seriously don't have to go on and on and argue the whole time about it. I might be their mother on the inside but I will not refuse to beat their asses.

"Thank god I don't have to room with you hoes and I get a room by myself because if I did I would be guilty of murdering one of y'all in the middle of the night", I told them when they all actually stopped talking.

"Sorry mommy please don't beat me with your sandal like the last time you came here 6 months ago, that shit hurt and Dinah just sat there recording it ain't helping her sis, like what the fuck Dinah", Camila said talking to me but then looking over at Dinah.

"Hoe it was funny as fuck you cant deny it, I still have the video too" Dinah said pulling out her phone. "Oh my god I need to see this", Normani said coming over to Dinah's side while Lauren was laying on the couch sleeping.

Camila then got up and ran over to Dinah and snatched her phone out of Dinah's hand and started running out the front door with Dinah chasing right after her and yelled out "You little bitch get back here!!!". After that Lauren woke up and then said, "What the hell is going on?". "Oh nothing much just Camila is just about to get a Polly beat down from Dinah, they are outside", I told Lauren while a huge scream came from Camila outside.

After I said that Lauren ran out the front door over to Camila and Dinah with me and Normani following her out the door to watch what was happening.

Camila's POV
"Dinah please I'm sorry don't kill me" I said while we were both circling around each other. "Only if you give me my phone back and let me show them that funny ass video", Dinah said serious but still smirking. "No they are not going to see that video it is so embarrassing", I said stopping looking at Dinah.

"Ok then you asked for it", Dinah said and ran up at me and tackled me to the ground while I screamed even though it did not hurt that bad. After that I saw Lauren, Ally, and Normani come out of the front door while I was laying on my stomach on the ground with Dinah grabbing my arm and pulling it far behind my back which hurt like hell.

Seconds later I saw Lauren coming over and she pulled Dinah off lightly yelling her to stop and Dinah replied by saying "Sorry I hurt your precious princess but she should have gave me my phone back when I asked her" she said smirking and coming back over to be and grabbed her phone out of my hand saying "Thank you Chancho, see you in the morning".

After we got back inside Dinah thankfully did not show the video and I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on a long T-shirt with my underwear and went back to my guest room and saw Lauren on my bed sleeping. I just walked over and went to the other side of the bed and snuggled in beside her almost going to sleep instantly.
Morning- 7:00 a.m.
I heard rustling and whispers around the room and then I squinted my eyes open and saw Dinah and Normani on the side of the bed whispering to each other and Lauren still snuggled up in front of me with me as the big spoon with my arms around her waist and Lauren as the little spoon in front of me.

Fifth Harmony Texts (Camren/Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now