You're Not A Saint

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So, I've noticed a lot of people say "I don't write for popularity, I write for fun." Can you please just stop saying that.

People who write for fun, for one, don't feel the need to say that. They don't feel the need to prove to people that writing is their hobby - that writing is their passion. Wanna know something else? They (most likely) don't post their stories up on Wattpad. No, people who write for the hell of it do exactly that; write for the hell of it. They don't care what you think. They don't plan on fixing errors, nor do they really give to shits what people think of their story.

There are some people who get offended when you ask how they get popular. Okay, they don't get offended, but they type a whole monologue about how they write for themselves. They could truly believe that they are writing for themselves, and I might believe them, but as soon as they ask me to read their works (or if they aren't 13 years old, kindly direct me to their work subtly by saying their work is so different) I roll my eyes and move on. So much for "writing for yourself".

Now, I know you're probably rushing to the comments now to complain, saying you truly do write for yourself. If you've gotten this far into my rant book, then you're not one of those people. You see, everything else that I ranted about before is basically what these writers do or use. Cliche stuff that people will read no matter. You get the gist.

You're probably asking yourself what I might be in all this. God knows I don't really write for myself, but I also don't give two shits about what people say if they aren't at my par or higher (yeah yeah, I know I have a huge ego). I do write for myself, but I also write for the public eye. Do you know how many songs I've written? Enough for probably 3 studio length albums. Do you know how many songs I've posted on here? two or three. I don't even know. I also had this idea, and I swore not to write it on any device that could get internet. I got a typewriter, and I'm currently working on it. It's for my eyes to view, and maybe some friends when they come over.

Anyway, thus concludes my rant. Don't hate me. I love you all. ☺️

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