Helpers who don't Help

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Okay, this rant is mostly because in the Improve Your Writing club, horrible things are happening.

I'm kidding, I love that club. But I got in an argument because role Playing isn't allowed. Okay, some people develop their character betters that way. I do, you probably would. I actually developed my whole plot that way. At first, it was just a monster hunter. Then it was a monster hunter who somehow became immortal. Now, it's a monster hunter who has a horrible relationship with his mother because he's a cocky, but somehow sweet 1/4 bionic, 1/2 human, and the other fourth... Well I don't know yet. But if that thread were open up again, I would probably discover what he was (No, I'm not gonna make him 1/4 monster since that wouldn't make sense nor be so original.)

And then I asked how I would introduce my character in a way that would be okay by using "Hi, my name is..." And I specifically told them that my comfortable writing style is 1st person where the narrarator engages the reader. And someone said. "You shouldn't do it because you wouldn't be consistant." Excuse me. I said it was comfortable e.i. when I try to do any other style, I can't keep it up then THAT isn't consistant! I just fawking told you that I was comfortable doing it the way you said I shouldn't do! One person actually gave me an example on how to do it, thank you person! But I wanted to clear it up with someone who wouldn't fucking rant at me instead of help me. So I did, and they gave me the write answer, saying "go for it."

You should never tell anyone what not to do (unless it has something to do with grammar.) This is a site for creative purposes... blah blah blah I'm done.

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