Ummmm... are We Dating?!

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Knock-knock. Knock-knock-knock.

Moon leaped off of the rug she was playing on with her son. Her heart throbbed with happiness. She knew who it was. Who else could have knocked that way?
Moon opened the door.

"Hi! How's a going?" She asked.

"Everything is fine, Moon." He smiled at her.

"Well then, come in, come in," she sat down on the rug with little Crescent happily playing with a toy scavenger one of the Outclaws had given him. She patted the place next to her for him to sit down.

"We haven't seen you in a few weeks. Busy with work?"

"Yeah. Mud kingdom stuff. Just a visit with Queen Moorhen. Keep all our trade economy items going. Kind of boring with you there." He gave her a cheeky grin.

Moon blushed as she bent over to help Crescent with one of his toys that had fallen over. In truth, she had missed him too. Some much that it had hurt.

"Crescent and I have missed you. Isn't that right, little boy?" Moon tweaked her son's ear and tickled his rib cage. He bent over, giggling.

"Qi- bi. Me missed you." Crescent said in a little high-pitched voice, very solemn. Moon hid her smile.

Qibli laughed. "Is that right? You sure you missed me?" He teased.

Crescent beamed. He loved when Qibli talked to him like a big grown-up dragon. In his mind, Qibli was the equivalent to what all the other dragonets called daddy.

"O course. When Qi-bi gone, no fun."

"What about Mommy? Isn't Mommy fun?"

Crescent thought for a moment.
"Yeah, Mommy is fun. But you fun too. You make Mommy smile."

Moon flushed an even deeper red.

Qibli was now beaming. Moon's own child said that he made Moon smile. This was the perfect time to ask. He had rehearsed all morning what he was about to say.

"Hey Moon. I know you have been here for about three months now, correct?"

"Y-yes." Moon answered.

"And we have gotten to know each other quite well, have we not?" Qibli put on a dainty air, making Moon giggle.

"Of course."

"Moon...willyougoonadatewithmetonight?" Qibli said in a rush.
He took in a deep breath.

"I mean... do you want to go on a date with me? Tonight?"

Moon thought her face must of looked like a tomato. Qibli was asking her out? She suddenly felt like a four-year-old dragonet again, all fluttery with feelings. She hadn't really expected that to come out of her mouth. But she did kiss him about two months ago. That's gotta be a sign, right?

"Oo-f co-urse." She stuttered out.

Qibli's face looked as if he was given the world.

"Okay! I'll pick you up tonight at 8 o'clock. Is that okay with you?"

"Sure." said Moon, smiling.

Qibli got off the rug, and went over to Moon and gave her a kiss. Startled, Moon kissed back.

"Okay. I'll see you later. Bye Crescent!" Qibli said, giving him a hug.

"Bye-bye! Bye-bye!" Squeaked Crescent.

As Qibli went out the door, Moon blurted out, "Are we dating now? Are you my boyfriend?" She immediately wanted to erase what she had just said. A petty question! Something to ruin their whole night.

It didn't bother Qibli one bit. He smiled gently at her, took off his sky fire that he has been wearing for five years, and his mind said, "Yes. You are my girlfriend. I love you, Moon."

And with that he padded out of the room.

Author's Note: Hey all fanwings! I'm really, really sorry for not updating in a while.
Three words: Dance. Volleyball. Homework!!!!!!

But anyway, thank you all so much for the reads/votes/ comments!!!! Keep them a coming!

Feel free to request ideas for both of my stories (my other story is a
GLORYBRINGER one. So if you love that ship, check it out! New parts have been added!)

Have a great weekend!

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