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"Okay," Linh said. "Everyone find the person they like."

Linh and Sophie walked over to Fitz, while Dex walked over to Linh, Marella walked over to Tam, and Tam walked over to Marella, and Biana and Keefe rushed over to either immediately.

"Oh, good," Linh said. "This was all just a test to see who Dex likes. Do you like me?"

"Yes," he breathed.

"Me to."

So that was settled.

Fitz and Sophie walked to Fitz's room and snuggled up under the covers.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Fitz." Sophie said dreamlike. Sophie, for once, in a long time, had a good night's sleep without waking up. She knew she was safe because Sandor was outside Fitz's door. He was pretty probably eavesdropping. Sophie was to happy to care, though.

Sophie awoke with Fitz. They each went their separate ways to get dressed.

"Bye, Sophie!" Biana said after breakfast.

"Bye, see you tomorrow!" Sophie said. Sophie was coming over to have dinner with the Councilors at Everglen to see if she would become Emissary.

"Hey Sophie?" Fitz said just as she was about to step into the light.


"Can you meet me over here at 4:00 on Friday?"

"Uh... yeah..."

"Alright," Fitz said with his movie star grin on his face. "See you soon."


Sophie stepped into the light and appeared in the middle of a Verdi emergency. Sophie dropped her bags and ran towards Edaline.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Oh, good, you're here. Grady is off on an assignment. Can you transmit?"

"Yes, of course."

Within seconds Verdi was back in her enclosure and safe.

"Thanks." Edaline said helping Sophie bring her bags to her room. "How about we talk about the sleepover while drinking fresh cinnacreame?" Edaline snapped her fingers and two mugs of cinnacreame appeared.

"Okay. Um... So...we played a game where you get locked in a closet with someone for a long time. I got Fitz and we slept in there because we were tired. Then yesterday we played games before going to bed." Sophie finished.

"Cool. Did I tell you that you have a meeting tomorrow at the Vacker's house?"

"Yeah, with the council to see if I will become an Emissary."

"Yup. Now, go to bed and get some sleep, okay?"

"Mom, it's, like, three o'clock in the a afternoon."

"Yes. But those dark circles under your eyes tell me it's bedtime. You stress to much. Just be a normal teenager, okay. Have crushes, go shopping with your girlfriends, get matchmakers scrolls, and most importantly, HAVE FUN."

"Okay, thanks."

"No problem. Now, sleep."

"Fine. Night."

"Goodnight, Sophie."

Sophie had sweet dreams that night. She wondered if Edaline put anything into her cinnacreame.

Honestly, Sophie didn't care. She was just happy to be asleep.

"Wake up!" someone said. But Sophie didn't want to wake.

"Please?" The mysterious voice asked. Sophie decided the visitor could wait.

Until...something touched her lips.

Sophie laughed and finally woke up.

"What was that for?" She asked Fitz playfully.

"I needed to wake you up." He said.

"I like your methods. Anyways, what time is it?"



"Yes, but calm down, I brought Biana."

Biana walked into the room with seven large duffel bags.

"Hi," she said. "I brought some makeup. I'm wondering if I should go back and get more..."

"you have MORE?" Sophie asked.

"Stop wasting time,"  Fitz reminded them.

"Right," Sophie said. Fitz rummaged through her closet and found a dress. It was dark purple up top, put flowed elegantly down in to a light people by time the silk dropped to her feet. The dress hugged Sophie's curves then flared out from ankle down. Biana did light makeup with eyeshadow that brings out Sophie's eyes. Surprisingly Fitz insisted on four inch tall, purple, sparkly heels.

It was three fifty nine.

Sophie ran to the Leapmaster with Fitz and made it to Everglen just in time. When Sophie walked into the dinning room she found councillor Bronte, Oralie, Alina (as if SHE could ever take Kenric's place) and...

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