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(Entrance to Sanguinem)
"That's a lot of walking." Yoichi commented when they got to the top of the mountain where they would enter to the Vampire City. "Probably harder for you though."
"I don't know what you're talking about. Mika's really light." Yuichiro replied, looking at the still sleeping blond in his arms.
"Why did we park so far away from the forest and why did we push the car into a building?" He asked.
"So the humans don't know where the entrance is."
"Makes sense. Is this it?"
"No, it's up there. This is where I stopped tumbling down the mountain when I escaped. Lot of good that did me, ya know. I got turned into a vampire willingly and now work directly under the queen."
"Do you? Cool." Yoichi slightly applauded.
"You get to meet her now."
They walked into the city and the same vampires were on gaurd as when Yuu and Mika left.
"Welcome back, Lord Yuichiro Hyakuya. Third Progenitor, Queen Krul wishes to see you, Lord Mikaela, and your friend in the throne room at once." The gaurd droned.
"Thank you. Come on Yoichi."
They walked for a bit before they spoke again.
"You're a lord? What an upgrade." Yoichi said.
"Beats me, but if you correct them you might not get let in."
Yuu felt Mika shift in his arms and looked down to see red.
"Morning precious." He said sweetly.
"Did I really sleep that long? Where are we?" Mika groggily asked.
"On our way to see Krul."
"Oh. You can put me down, I'll walk."
"Ok. We're almost there anyway."
They walked along the streets, Mika under the raven's arm and Yoichi looking at the large castle they were walking in.
"This place is huge." Yoichi commented.
"You get used to it after a while. I've lived here for 8 years and now it seems kind of small." Mika said.
"But you got out sometimes, didn't you?" Yuu asked.
"Only when I had a mission or field training. Which wasn't often up until now."
"I see."
They went through a series of halls with the oldest vampire leading the way. When they got to a large golden double door, Mika stopped.
"Alright Yoichi-kun, this is where Krul usually is. She's nice once in a while but you still need to be careful. I'll go in and check, then come and get you two."
He walked into the room and closed the door. A few seconds later, he came back out and brought them in.
"Hello boys."

Vampire Mika x Vampire YuuWhere stories live. Discover now