Important: please read

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Hey guys, it's me. I juat wanted to let all you beautiful/handsome readers to know that I'll be starting a YouTube channel.
Now, you might be wondering "What's the point of an author making  a YouTube channel or videos period?"
The awnser being that I want to be able to talk to you guys and not tire your poor eyes out.
This way it'll also be easier for you to interact with me. I can receive and awnser questions better and give advice.
But, that's not all. The main point will be for people who don't have much time to actually read my stuff, I'll read it to them. The videos where I do this will also be helpful if you don't know what I was trying to get at or are wondering how something was supposed to be said.
And like any good YouTuber, I can also make, drum roll please... live streams! I can talk to you guys in real time! Who knew?
If you have any questions about this, I will awnser them in the private messages. Or in the comment section of this chapter and this one only.
I'll post when the channel is up and running. I can also tell you what name it'll be under so you can search it. If you subscribe to it, like any other channel, you will get notified when there's a new video.
Knowing me, I'll probably have my friends or family in a few of them. You can make requests for what you want to see and I can see what I can do.
There will also be news updates on it so look for those.
Thank you for reading this, and I will see you later my lovely readers.♡

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