Long Awaited

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Here we are. The long awaited chapter of... well, this. The inability to sleep is a bitch, but hey, so am I.
The style of this will be a bit different since I've grown as a writer since last time, but I reread some of the last chapters and the story will continue from there. Enjoy!

(Sanguniem (also forgot how to spell) throne room)

Yoichi stared at Kimizuki's neck. He gently ran his fingers down the artery before his eyes filled with tears.

"I don't want to hurt you..." he whimpered. Everyone in the room froze.

"Um... Ok, keep in mind that I've been bitten before. It doesn't hurt that bad. We've had training worse than this," Kimi chuckled, patting the shorter teens shoulders. "I promise you won't hurt me."

The smaller looked up for any signs of hesitation. Kimizuki took off his glasses and stared directly into his eyes. He offered a small smile, encouraging Yoichi to continue, that it was truly alright.

"Okay.." the brunette agreed.
The pink haired teen nodded I'm triumph, leaning down to make the process easier. Yoichi looked for a moment longer before leaning in and finally, finally, biting into the taller boy's neck.

The effect was immediate, the blood and power flowed through his body and he pulled back at the almost overwhelming feeling. He panted slightly, catching breaths he didn't truly need anymore, and smiling up at Kimizuki as his eyes faded to red. The other’s eyes widened.

"What?" The smaller asked.

"I.... That..." he stuttered. "That is gonna take some getting used to."

"Tell me about it," Yuu complained from the sidelines. He hissed a quick 'ow' when Mika swatted him, grumbling something about 'ruining an adorable moment.'

"I guess it's time," Kimi said through a breath.

"Yeah.. it is," Yoi smiled. They stared into one another's eyes for a moment before the silence was gently broken again.

"So.. how does this work? Do I bite you or-" Kimizuki was cut short when gentle lips crashed roughly into his. His eyes closed briefly before the metallic taste of Yoichi's blood met his tongue. He again let his eyes close as he pressed harder into the kiss.

All around them, other vampires cheered. Some in happiness that they now had a new member. Others at the fact that the embarrassing display was over.

While the noise carried on below, Krul held her hands out to Ferid and Crowley.

"Pay up," she said. Both men handed her several bills.

"How does she guess the couples every time? She doesn't even see them in battle?" Crowley questioned.

"If I knew, I wouldn't bet against her," the silver haired man growled.

There we go. I fulfilled my desire for soft Yoichi and Kimizuki while also progressing the story. I do fully believe that Yoichi would never hurt people too badly, even as a vampire.
Tell me some things you liked about this, some things I could do better, or just say hello. I enjoy reading the comments, they're fun.
I hope you liked this, it is in fact, not proofread because I'm being a lazy ass.
Until next time ♡

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