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This song is the one I was listening to while writing this. Anyway, I'm not dead as much as my school peers want me to be. So here we go agian.

(Yuu's p.o.v)
It's been a few weeks after Mika and I started being a thing. I'm really happy and he seems to be as well. We live in the same house and it's just been amazing. Without those humans being in the way of the love I share with my beautiful, sweet Mika. Crap, did that sound like Ferid?
The swords are weird, I mean, I'm used to calling out for Asuramaru, who actually stopped talking to me, instead of just saying 'sword' and when I was first training with it I felt nauseous from blood loss but I'm over that now.
Mika also seems happier. If Lady Krul and the fancy trash Ferid have told me correctly, he never smiled for anyone on any occasion. Like, ever. It's hard to think of Mika not smiling because when we were younger he was all smiles, giggles, and happiness.
The best part about this is that I can fight alongside him and protect him because Krul put us on the same team, or squad. We we're on the same team when I became a vampire.
One fine day, I went to see the queen to talk to her about one thing to see if I could somehow obtain it.
"What brings you here on such a fine day Yuichiro? It's not often you come here without me summoning you." She said.
"Hello my queen. May I ask you something?" I say bowing.
"I believe you just did, but I can tell that wasn't it. So go on. And call me Krul if you will. A friend of Mika's is a friend of mine." The small woman waved her hand for me to stand and speak.
"Krul, is there any way I could take Mika out of the city for a day or two so we can be alone?" I say looking straight into her eyes.
"Do you mean like a date?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Ya, I can give you a map to a place where you can be alone, watch the waves crash on the beach, and stay in a nice manor."
"Really? I would much appreciate it if you aloud me to take Mika there, at least for a little bit." I said hopefully.
"Sure. Here."
She tossed me a browned peice of paper. When I opened it, there were directions on it.
"Also, if you would follow me for a few minutes." She got up from her throne and started walking. I started trailing after her. For someone so small, and wearing heals, she can walk really fast!
We stopped at a wooden door. She opened it and started to wander down the stairs.
"Here we are. This is my private stash of the best blood around. I'll give you three bottles out of my 120 or so. Dose that sound fair?"
Truth be told that was more than fair. But in my opinion, my Mikaela was worth so much more. If I was able, I'd give him the moon, stars, and the whole damn universe. He was that important to me. God, what he dose to me.
"That's wonderful Krul, thank you."
"I still have one more thing for you. But it requires more walking. This way please." And she walked off in the opposite direction in which we came.
We walked down halls, staircases, and other rooms when we finally came to a large bedroom. About the size of the old Hyakuya orphanage, like, the whole orphanage. I couldn't help but let my jaw drop at the sight of the enormous room.
"Is this your room Krul?" I asked still amazed.
"Yes, I don't come in here alot though.  Now where is it. Searching, searching, oh, there it is." She pulled up a box that looked like it would have jewelry in it.
She opened it and started rummaging around in it. After a second, she pulled out a lovely dimond ring. She then proceeded to put it in my hand.
"This was going to happen sooner or later anyway. This is for Mika." She smiled a fanged smile at me.
"Do you mean you want me to propose to him?" I asked shocked.
"I think of him as my son, which means when you did want to ask him to marry you, you'd need my permission anyway. So I'll just give it in advance." She said in a soft, motherly tone.
"Th-thank you, Krul." I heard the tears start to well up in my own voice.
"Hmm. Better get home before Mika gets suspicious." She said. She handed me the blood bottles that were in a basket and hid the ring in the liner. Along with those, she gave me eight time off passes. Four for me and four for Mika. I bowed then she led me out and I headed home to tell my soon to hopefully be fiance.

How'd you like that. Krul is so helpful, am I right. Let's hear it for mama Krul. Anyway. I'm not dead, and summer's coming up in a week or two so I'll be writing. Thanks for the support!

Vampire Mika x Vampire YuuWhere stories live. Discover now