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(Dining room)
The five members of the Shinoa squad sat tied in chairs around the circular table in the dining room.
At the head of the table was Yuu with Mika under his arm, cuddled to his chest, and hands on his shoulders. His eyes were  closed and his breathing even. That meant to Yuu that his lovely darling Mikaela was asleep in his arms once agian.
He looked up from admiring Mika when he noticed Kimizuki start to wake up. When he was fully awake, he was still a little groggy after having his blood drank when he was unconscious as well as being hit over the head like the others. Well, besides Yara.
Yara, who was the next to wake up, had Yuu drink his blood. Poor guy didn't even see it coming. The ravenett had snuck up behind him and tackled him before partially draining him. But for never having his blood drained before, he recovered quickly.
"What happened?" A confused Yara asked a wide awake and angry looking Shiho. "Kimizuki-san? What's wrong?"
"That. That is." He made a head motion to the front where Yuu was with Mika. "That's our old teammate, Yuichiro Hyakuya."
"Hu, I thought you would get amnesia from how much blood Mika drank from you. Apparently not. How about you, newbie?" Yuu asked looking from the pinkette to the brunette.
"I'm.. fine. Why do you care?" Yara asked.
"Well, I drank more from you then my darling did from Shiho here so just checking in." Yuu said as he started to run his fingers through the messy blond locks.
"Don't you dare call me 'Shiho' agian Hyakuya. Unless you want your boyfriend dead." He threatened.
That pushed Yuu way over his tolerance line. All in a flash, he had gently set Mika down and lunged at the human, knocking him and the chair to the floor.
"Listen here, you human scum. Nobody threatens my Mika like that. Say what you want about me, but leave him out of it or I'll drain all of your friends of their blood right in front of you, or make you all livestock in Sanguinem. Got it? Good." As Yuu said this, his red eyes seemed to glow with hatred for the human under him.
"Y-yuu-chan? Where'd you go?" They heard a quiet voice from behind them.
"Oh? Morning precious." Yuu said in a cheery tone as he got off Kimizuki and stood his chair back up.
"What were you doing?" He asked sleepily.
"Nothing to worry about." Yuu said walking back to his chair.
He sat back down and that's when the others started to wake up.
First was Shinoa.
"What's going on. My head hurts." She said raising her head. She tried to raise a hand to her head but found it tied to a chair. That woke her up. She lifted her head to see the boys stairing to the front and Mitsuba starting to wake up. She looked to the front and saw something that made her heart drop to her stomach.
"Yuu? What's going on?!" She yelled.
"Stop yelling! You're making my headache three times worse!" Shouted  the twin tailed blonde.
"You're all making my head hurt." Yoichi said from where he was sitting next to Mika, but still tied.
"Why are you tied trader?" Kimizuki growled.
"What are you talking about, Kimizuki?" The small teen asked innocently.
"Don't you dare play that card. You know what you did." He snarled.
"What are you talking about, Kimizuki? Why are you saying that about Satome-san?" Yara asked.
"Enough. This is ridiculous.  We have other matters to see to." Yuu finally said.
"Yuu. You're a vampire now? When did this happen and why?" Shinoa asked somehow calmly.
"This happened when I got to the vampire city with Mika and because I want to spend eternity with him." Yuu stated.
"Ah. And I'm guessing that's Mika under your arm." Mitusba said.
"Yep. My lovely fiancé, Mikaela." He said and turned to kiss said blonde.
"Fiancé! What the hell? Aren't you a little young for that?" Mitsuba questioned.
"It's not like we're going to age like you humans." Mika said from his place curled up with Yuu.
"Hey look. It spoke." Kimizuki said in fake suprise.
"You have a death wish, don't you?" Yoichi asked.
"Speaking of which. Yoichi, is what Kimizuki said true?" Shinoa asked.
"No time." Yuu got up and Mika handed him a small dagger. He held it up to the archer's throat. "Why did you all come here. Tell me or Yoichi dies."
"Don't fall for it!" Kimizuki yelled.
The others looked at the tears streaming down Yoichi's face and caved.
"Don't hurt him!" Mitsuba cried.
"Guren told us to take out the two vampire nobles that were visiting!" Shinoa added.
"We had no idea it was you two! Please don't hurt Satome-san!" Yara pleaded.
"Wow. That was quick." The black haired vampire moved the knife down to cut the brunette's ropes.
"I guess you were right, Yoichi-kun. If we had Yuu-chan threaten your life, they'd instantly tell." Mika said slightly amazed.
"No. What did we do?" Shinoa said quietly as the three soldiers had tears quietly dripping from their eyes.
"So have fun here. Mika and I are going to give Yoichi his reward." The ravenett said as he looped his arm around Mika and took Yoichi into another room.

Vampire Mika x Vampire YuuWhere stories live. Discover now