13||Time's Running Out

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Katherine and y/n walk into Pulitzer's office happy but he stops in front of them and holds the paper before them. Katherine reaches for it but he pulls it back and they sit in the chair beside them.

"But I've read your editorials, Mr. Pulitzer. How can you express so much sympathy for the trolley workers, and yet have none for the newsies?" The mayor says as Pulitzer walks across his office.

"The trolley workers are striking for a fair contract. The newsies are striking against me!"

"I'd spare you this embarrassment if I could, but the burlesque house is private property." The mayor says.

"You can't order a raid without legal cause." Seitz says.

"Mister mayor, would the fact that this rally is being organized by an escaped convict be cause enough to shut it down?" Pulitzer says standing behind his desk, setting the paper down.

Y/n moves to stand but Katherine gives her a careful look and y/n just sits gripping the arm rest, her knuckles turning white.

"An escaped convict..?" The mayor asks, shocked at this new information.

"A fugitive from one of your own institutions. A convicted thief at large, reeking mischief on the law-abiding community." He turns his chair around and Snyder is sitting there. "Mr. Snyder, which one is it?"

"That one there," Snyder points to the paper and shows the others. "Jack Kelly."

"How do you know this boy?" The mayor asks Snyder.

"His is not a pleasant story. He was first sentenced to my refuge for loitering and vagrancy, but his total disregard for authority has made him a frequent visitor." Snyder explains.

"You called him a thief and an escaped convict."

"After his release, I caught him myself, red-handed, trafficking stolen food and clothing. He was last sentenced to six months, but the willful ruffian escaped." Snyder continues.

"He was helping orphaned boys." Y/n says under her breath but loud enough that Katherine heard.

"You would be doing the city a service, removing this criminal from our streets." Pulitzer says leaning against his desk. "And don't forget the girl."

"The girl?"

"Y/n Snyder. Known as the Queen of New York to most people. But also my daughter. Been in the Refuge more times than can be counted. Her record is longer than Jack's ever been." Snyder explains.

"How is that even possible?"

"Care to explain dear?" Snyder looks over to his daughter who turns away from him. "Very well. Y/n has been sneaking out of the house ever since she met those boys, which was a few years after her dear mother died. Started stealing food and clothes for years. So I locked her up in the refuge in hopes it would change her." Snyder says.

"So she's a modern day Robin Hood? Just minus the bow and arrows."

"But more of nuisance."

"Well if that's the case, we can take them in quietly and then..." The mayor says calmly but is cut off by Pulitzer slam in his hands onto his desk.

"What good would quiet do me? I want a public example made of him." Pulitzer shouts.

"Mr. Pulitzer, Jack Kelly, the boy is here." Pulitzers assistant walks in. The girls stand to their feet.


"Just outside. He asked to see you." She explains.

'Ask, and he shall received. Mr. Snyder, can you please..." He directs Snyder back to the chair. He then walks to the girls. "Sit." They sits back in the chair and he turns the chairs around, removing them from anyone's line of sight. Snyder moves to hide.

Queen of New York (Jack Kelly x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now