15||Something to Believe In

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Jack pulls back from the kiss almost instantly. "What are you doing?"

"What do you... I thought that... I thought that this..."

"What?! No! Katherine you're the reason my relationship with y/n was going to hell in the first place. I finally fix things and then your father and her both screw it up and now... I don't have a clue where she is and now you do this!" Jack says walking to the other side of the penthouse again. Suddenly y/n climbs up and turns to see Katherine.

"How the hell did you get up here?" Katherine stays silent. "Never mind, have you seen Jack I really need..."

"Y/n?" Jack says, she turns around and pulls him into a hug. "You had me worried."

"I'm sorry I ran off. I was trying to get Davey to listen to our reasoning behind turning but he wasn't having it and..." she's cut off by Jack kissing her.

"None of that matters. Just knowing that your still with me makes all of this worth it." He says pulling from the kiss.

"Now why the hell are you here Katherine?"

"Look I need to know you two didn't cave for the money."

"No, we spoke the truth. Look, you win a fight when you got the other fella down, eaten pavement. You heard your father, it don't matter how many days we strike, he ain't never giving up. I don't know what else we can do." Jack says to the reporter.

"No, but I do." Katherine says pulling out a paper.

"Come on..."

"Really, Jack? Really. Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I'm a girl?" Katherine says walking forward.

"I didn't say nothin' about... y/n has good ideas some..." Jack says, but y/n glares at him and he stops talking as Katherine continues.

"This would be a good time to shut up. Being a boss doesn't mean you have all the answers, just the brain to recognize the right one when you hear it."

"Well you know I'm always listening." Y/n says.

"Good for you." Katherine says sarcastically.

"Don't try me Pulitzer." Y/n says to her and the girls laugh.

"Okay. The strike was your idea," she says pointing to the couple. "The rally was Davey's, and now my plan will take us to the finish line. Deal with it." She says holding up the now unfolded paper before Jack's face.

Jack takes it from her and reads aloud. "'The children's crusade.'" He look up at her curiously.

Y/n takes the paper and reassess the first sentence aloud walking away from Katherine and Jack. "'For the sake of all the kids in every sweatshop, factory, and slaughterhouse in New York, I beg you: Join us.'"

"That was me." Jack says looking at Katherine still.

"With those words, the strike stopped being just about the newsies. You challenged our whole generation to stand up and demand a place at the table." Katherine says standing evenly between the other two.

"Children's crusade..."

"Think, Jack, if we publish this, my words, with one of your drawings, y/n's ability to persuade people, and if every worker under 21 read it and stayed home from work-- or better yet, they came to Newsies Square for a rally. A general, city-wide strike. Even our fathers could not ignore that."

"Only one problem: We've got no way to print it." Y/n says.

"Oh, come on. There has to be one printing press he doesn't control." Katherine says, Jack looks to y/n.

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