7||Watch What Happens

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"C'mon, Les, the folks are waiting." David says as he and Les run home. Y/n stands a ways from Jack and Katherine but close enough to still be in the conversation.

"So what's your story? Are you selling papers to work your way through art school?"

"Art school? You're kidding me, right?"
"But you're an artist! You've got real talent. You should be inside the paper, illustrating, not outside, hawkin' it." Katherine says, holding up his drawing of her. Y/n snatches it from her hand and walks away looking at it.

"Maybe that's not what I want." Jack says.
"Then what do you want?" Katherine says as Jack has her sit and he sits next to her and starts explaining it to her.

Y/n stand staring at the drawing. "Its worse than I thought." She says to herself.
"Am I really losing the love of my life to a girl he barely met yesterday?"

Katherine laughs slightly and y/n looks back. "God why does he have to be so bloody complicated!" Y/n shouts. "Am I not good enough? Am I not giving him what he wants?" She looks to the two. "Was Spot really right? Is Jack really going keep me around until he finds someone else? God why didn't I listen to you Spot!?" Her internal conflict was interrupted by Katherine speaking.

"Mister Kelly..." Katherine stands.

"Today we stopped other newsies from carryin' the papes, but the wagons still deliver to the rest of the city. Tomorrow, we stop the wagons." Jack says proudly, walking over to y/n and placing his arm around her.

"Are you scared?" She asks.

"Does he look scared? But, uh... ask again in the morning. That may change."

"Ooh, good answer. Well, good night, Mr. Kelly." Katherine says. "Come along y/n, you promised you would help me." Y/n nods and walks ahead of Katherine.

"Hey, where you runnin'? It ain't even suppertime yet!" Jack says as Kathrine starts to take off.

"I'll see you in the morning. And, off the record, good luck." Katherine stops and turns to him the quickly follows y/n.

"Hey, hey, hey, Plumber!" He shouts. The reporter stops and turns. Y/n, a few steps ahead, stops in her tracks. Realizing he didn't call to her to say goodnight. "Write good. We both got a lot riding on you."


"You heard the man. 'Write it good.' Write it good or it's back to wheezing your way through the flower show. Eh... no pressure. Let's go." Katherine says to y/n as she sits at her desk, y/n pacing behind her. "'Newsies stop The World' Huh?" She asks y/n, who stops her pacing.

"Well a little hyperbole never hurt anyone." She responds the paces again trying to come up with an idea.

Katherine begins to type as she speaks. " 'With all eyes fixed on the trolley strike, there's another battle brewing in the city" ... and if I could just write about it." Katherine pulls out the paper and crumbles it, tossing it away and placing new paper in the type writer.

"Come on, Katherine! Those boys and I are counting on you! " Y/n says moving up to the desk, resting her hands in it, staring at Katherine.

"Oh, you poor kids..." Katherine says in response.

Write what you know
So they say all I know is I don't know
What to write or the right way to write it

This is big lady don't screw it up
This is not some little vaudville you're reviewing

"Look here's an idea." Y/n says. "Poor little kids versus rich greedy sourpusses."

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