1||Santa Fe

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"I don't want you out there with that boy. He's a common criminal."

"He's a misunderstood teenage boy."

"He's a thief! He's been in the refuge more times than anyone can count."

"He's only been in there because he stole to feed the boys at the Newsboy's Lodging House. And don't forget, you're the one that put him in there. Hell you've put me in there just for being your daughter."

"But you're out aren't you?"

"Yea. After I escaped!"

"You helped a criminal!"

"I fed boys who didn't have enough money to feed themselves! That's more than you've done."

"Young lady, I will not have you speaking to me like that!"

"What are you gonna do? Throw me in the refuge? I've escaped once. I can do it again."


Up on the roof of the Newsboy's Lodging House, Jack Kelly and Crutchie, two of the many Newsies of New York, are asleep on the highest level of the escape.

Crutchie sits up from his makeshift bed. He struggles to stand but successfully does and prepares to get ready for the day.

"Where ya goin'? What are you... the bell ain't rung yet, go back to sleep!" Jack sits up as Crutchie moves about.

"I wanna beat the other fellas to the streets." Jack quickly grabs the parchment he was drawing on the night before and rolls it up before Crutchie could see it. "I don't want anyone to see that I ain't, uh... been walkin' so good." Crutchie says grabbing a single crutch and limping his way toward the ladder down.

"Oh, quit gripin'. You know how many fellas fake a limp for sympathy? That bum leg of your's is a goldmine!" Jack says, getting up and putting his things away in the corner.

"Someone gets the idea I can't make it on my own, they'll lock me up in the refuge for good." Crutchie sits at the opening near the ladder and moves his bum leg to hang off the side with his good one. "Be a pal, Jack, help me down!" Crutchie shouts the last part as he hangs on the ladder, his arms trying to hold himself up. Jack quickly runs over when he notices Crutchie hanging. Another figure appears and pushes Crutchie up.

"What are you doing? You wanna bust your other leg too?" Y/n says as she climbs up after Crutchie is out of the way.

"No, I wanna go down." He says, standing up again with the help of y/n.

"You'll be down there soon enough." Jack says then pulls y/n close to him. "Hey princess."

"Hey cowboy." She states but pulls away from Jack and walks across the escape.

"What's the matter with you princess?"

"Nothing. Just my dad thinking he can control my life again." Y/n responds, annoyed.

"What did he say this time?" Jack moves next to his girlfriend and turns her to look at him.

"He said I should stop hanging out with you because you're a criminal."

"Y/n why do you stay there if he just puts you down?" Crutchie asks.

"Cause staying there is the only thing keeping me from getting put in the refuge again." Y/n quickly responds. She sighs as she turns to look at Jack. "Sorry if I ruined today's mood." She wraps her arms around his neck, Jack's hands snake around her waist.

"You never ruin the mood." He says lightly kissing her on the lips. "Now Crutchie," Jack says as he pulls away. "Take a moment, drink in my penthouse. High above the stinkin' streets of New York."

Queen of New York (Jack Kelly x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now