2||Carrying The Banner

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The boys get up and walk around the home. Race stands in the hallway yelling at the boys. "Albert, Elmer, Specs! You heard y/n, get a move on!"

"I was having the most beautiful dream! My lips is still tinglin'." Albert exits one of the rooms and stands in the hallway.

"A pretty girl."  Race asks.

"A leg of lamb." Albert corrects, taking Race's cigar.

That's my cigar!

You'll steal another!

Specs comes into the hallway and spots Henry coming out to join the boys.

Hey, look! It's bath time at the zoo

Henry comes out in a towel and shaving cream on his face.

I thought that I'd surprise my mother

If you can find her


All of the Newsies are on the fire escape now and most are in the street below.

"Papes ain't movin' like they use to. I gotta find a new sellin' spot. You got any ideas?" Albert asks Race and Finch as the Newsies run about the home, rushing to get ready.

From Bottle Alley to the Harbor
There's easy pickings guaranteed

Try any banker, bum, or barber
They almost all knows how to read

Y/n, Jack and Crutchie come down the escape's stairs and enter a window into the lodging house. Jack is still working on the buttons of hi shirt as he walks through the hallway.


It's a crooked game we're playin'
One we'll never lose
Long as suckers don't mind payin'
Just to get bad news

All the Newsies stand in an area of the home, some straightening their suspenders, others placing the caps upon their heads.

Ain't it a fine life!
Carrying the banner through it all
A mighty fine life!
Carrying the banner tough and tall

All of the Newsies stand in the middle hallway before exiting the building and out to the streets.

When the bell rings
We goes where we wishes
We's as free as fishes
Sure beats washing dishes
What a fine life
Carrying the banner home-free all!

Kathrine is walking with Darcy when Romeo comes up to her. "Well, hello, hello, hello, beautiful."

Y/n steps out the door and quickly darts away at the sight of Katherine.

"Woah, step down, Romeo. Nothin' more here concerns you." Jack says, lightly pushing Romeo away. "Good mornin' Miss! May I interest you in the latest news?" Jack asks her, leaning on a nearby beam.

"But the paper isn't out yet." Katherine responds.

"I would be delighted to deliver it to you personally." Jack says, his thick Manhattan accent showing.

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