16||Once and For All

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Now is the time to seize the day
Stare down the odds and seize the day
Minute by minute
That's how you win it
We will find our way
But let us seize the day

"I'll get the lights, you get those windows unlocked." Katherine says as she quickly walks into the cellar.

"Got enough keys here for the entire building. Someone's been picking daddy's pockets!" Jack jokes as he and y/n unlocks a few windows and Davey and Race climb in.

"The janitor's been working here since he was 8 and hasn't had a raise in 20 years. He's with us 100%." Katherine says climbing down the stairs and to the light box.

"Hey, you bring enough fellas with ya to keep us covered?" Y/n asks Davey.

"We could hold a hoedown in here, and no one would be the wiser." Davey says.

"Good job." Jack says as he follows y/n down the stairs

"Jack." Davey says stopping Jack at the top of the staircase. "It's good to have you back again."

"Shut up." Jack says to him.

"Well, here she is, boys. Now just think: While my father snores blissfully in his bed, we will be using his very own press to bring him down." Katherine says to a few boys who work for the newspapers.

"Remind me to stay on your good side." Jack says, joining the girls down by the press.

"Is this what they print the papes on?" Race asks admiring the press.

"I can see why they tossed this old girl down in the cellar, but I think she'll do the job." A boy says looking around at the press.

"Jack, y/n, this is Darcy. He knows just about everything there is to know about printing." Jack goes for a spit shake but Darcy gives him a repulsive look. Y/n pushes Jack over and shakes Darcy's hand.

"You work for one of the papes?" Y/n asks him.

"My father owns the Trib." Darcy says proudly then walks away.


"And this is Bill, he'll be typesetting the article for us." Katherine introduces the final stranger.

"Bill? So I suppose you're the son of William Randolph Hearst, huh?" Jack asks as Bill eagerly shakes Jack's hand.
"Yeah. And proud to be part of your revolution." Bill walks off to prepare to print the papers.

"Ain't that somethin'..." Jack says his eyes following Bill and Darcy's movements
"In the words of the little one: Can we table the palaver and get down to business?" Katherine suggests quoting Les.

"A little grease and she'll be good as gold." Darcy says working on the old printing press. "By the way, I found this cap over here." Darcy holds up the cap and Jack snatches it and places it in y/n's head.

"There's the Queen we were missing." Y/n giggles at Jack's statement.

"Alright, here's how we'll work: As we print the papes, Race, you'll let the fellas in, and they'll spread them to every working kid in New York. After that..." Davey pauses unsure what will happen.

Queen of New York (Jack Kelly x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now