18||Queen of New York

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"Newsies of New York..." Jack says as he and y/n appear on the balcony above the paper stand with Pulitzer and Governor Rosevelt and all of the Newsies turn to them. "We won!" The couple shouts and everyone cheers except the Delanceys and Pulitzer.

"And now, I would like to introduce my very own personal pal, Governor Theodore Roosevelt, himself." Jack says as the governor walks forward.

"Each generation must, at the height of it's power, step aside and invite the young to share the day. You have laid way to our world. Now, I believe the future, in your hands, will be bright and prosperous." He turns to Jack and speaks. "And your drawings, son, have brought another matter to end. Officers, if you please!" The governor shouts.

The Newsies movie and Race shouts. "Hey, Jack, y/n, look! It's Crutchie!" Y/n looks to Jack with joy then runs down and Crutchie crutches his way through newsie square.

"Crutchie!" Y/n shouts as she runs up and hugs him. Crutchie laughs as he hugs her back, his crutch forgotten on the ground.

"How ya doin', fellas? Oh, and look, look what I got yas! A gift, straight from the refuge. Hey, bring him in boys!"

The officers walk in with Snyder.

"It's Snyder the Spider!"

"He ain't so tough no more, is he?"

"Jack, with those drawings, you made an eloquent argument for shutting down the refuge. Be assured that Mr. Snyder's abuses will be fully investigated especially the ones of his own daughter." Roosevelt looks to y/n and she smiles, silently thanking the governor. "Officers, take him away." The officers start walk but Crutchie stops them.

"Please, Your Highness, may we do the honors?" Crutchie asks, pointing between himself and y/n. Roosevelt nods.

"You gotta be joking."

Y/n begins cuffing Snyder. Snyder laughs as she does so. "Keep laughing old man but I'm the only relative who can pull you out and I think it would be better to leave you to rot. Mother would prefer that too."

"So long, sucker!" Crutchie hits Snyder with his crutch.

"Oh, thank you, Governor!" Jack says coming over to Crutchie and y/n.

"Hey, if one of your drawings convinced the Governor to close down the refuge, what about a daily political cartoon to expose the dealings in our own government back rooms? What do you say, Teddy? Care to have this young man's artistry shine a light behind your closed doors?" Pulitzer says, looking to the governor.

"Hey, hey. Joe don't sweat it. With the strike settled, we should probably be hitting the road." Jack says, intertwining his fingers with y/n's, starting their trek to the train station.

"Don't you ever get tired of singing the same old tune? What's Santa Fe got that New York ain't? Tarantulas?" Davey says blocking Jack's path.

"Or better yet: What's New York got that Santa Fe ain't?" Katherine said.

"New York's got us, and we're family." Crutchie said standing between Davey and Jack.

"Didn't I hear something about a strike getting settled? Papes for the newsies! Line up, boys! These papes ain't gonna sell themselves." Wiesel yells.

"Come along, governor. Show me the back seat I've heard so much about." Medda says walking with Roosevelt as he laughs.

"Well don't just stand there, you've got a union to run. Besides, didn't someone just offer you a pretty exciting job?" Y/n says coming up to Jack as Katherine walks off.

"You mean working for Pulitzer?"

"You already work for Pulitzer, just a worse job."

"Oh yeah." Jack says.

"And you've got one more ace up your sleeve."

"And what would that be?"

"Me." Y/n says, grabbing Jack's hand. "Wherever you go, I'll be there, right by your side."

"For sure?"

"For sure."

Don't take much to be a dreamer,
All you do is close your eyes,
But some made up world
Is all you ever see

[JACK & Y/N]
Now my eyes is finally open,
And my dreams, they's average size

But they don't much matter,
If you ain't with me

Jack and y/n kiss. "Hey guys." Les shouts and all the Newsies turn, the first time they had witnessed the couple kiss since a few day prior. They pull away laughing.

"Well, Jack, y/n. Are you in or out, huh?" Davey ask and everyone starts shouting.
Jack gives y/n a questioning look and she nods and he walks over and the Newsies start messing with them. Jack offers the money to y/n but she pushes him forward to do the honors. Jack slaps down a coin and all the Newsies cheer.

"Y/n!" Katherine says walking up to the couple. "I figured you would want these back." In the reporters hands lay y/n's pants, vest, and shirt she wore while selling papes.

"Thank you Kath." Y/n/n says hugging her.

"Anything for you y/n."

"And I'm sorry I thought you were stealing my boyfriend." Y/n said pulling away from the hug.

"Honestly it was a mistake and I'm happy you've forgiven me." Katherine smiles.
"I don't know about forgiven, you did kiss him."

"Oh come on." The girls laugh as Katherine pulls y/n into the office to change, y/n pulling Jack with her.

We'll all be out there
Carrying the banner
Man to man!
We're always out there
Soakin' every sucker that we can
Here's the headline:
Newsies in a mission!
Kill the completion!
Sell the next edition!
We'll be out there carrying the banner!
See us out there, carrying the banner!
Always out thee carrying the banner!

Jack and y/n jump into the center of the Newsies and the join in their dancing.

Look at me!
I'm the king of New York!
I'm respectable,
Staring right at'cha
Lousy with sta'cha
Glory be!
I'm the king of New York!
Front page story,
Guts and glory,
I'm the king

Jack twirls y/n into him and and she kisses him the spins back out and he pulls her flush against his side as all the Newsies gather around them and they all freeze, a single arm raised in the air in victory.

Of New York!

Queen of New York (Jack Kelly x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now