Chapter. 1 - Bred in Captivity

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"Up, get up!" My Aunt Petunia screeched, "Today is Daphne's birthday and we're going to the Zoo, so make our breakfast!"

"I'm up, I'm up." I groaned in an annoyed tone of voice, and sighed. I abruptly sat up in my small cupboard and hit my head very hard on the ceiling.

"Ow!" I exclaimed and grabbed my forehead where my thin lightning-shaped scar was.

Great. One unlucky moment over with. A million more to go.

You see, today as my Aunt had said, was my cousin Daphne's birthday. And every year, for the past eleven of them at least, everything just went horribly wrong.

When Daphne turned 6, I remember that I had managed to drop her piece of cake on the floor, scratch one of her many birthday presents, get whacked in the face by a door and the list goes on.

All of that mayhem ended up with Daphne throwing multiple hissy fits and major tantrums. Also, me getting locked in my cupboard for a couple weeks.

But hey, everything will turn out fine from now on!

At least that's what I keep telling myself.


I walked into the kitchen silently, took out the frying pan, and started to cook their breakfast as usual.

"Braid your hair!" Uncle Vernon barked while waving around his fork.

Ah. The usual morning greeting. I thought with a laugh.

"Hurry up with my coffee, girl!" Vernon snapped impatiently, not a moment later, and pounded his meaty fists on the table.

"Yes Uncle...keep your knickers on." I muttered quietly enough, so only I could hear it.

A few seconds later, Daphne entered the kitchen, looking as prissy as usual.

Her straight blonde hair was combed back and she wore a string of pearls around her neck. That contrasted from my unruly red curls, and freckled skin.

I put their hearty food on their plates, and set them on the table, attempting to uphold a nice manner. But my thoughts differed from that.

After serving them their large breakfast and taking a small portion for myself, Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon showed Daphne all 36 of her presents. But, believe it or not she started to throw a tantrum.

"36! But I got 37 last year!" She hollered at her mother and father.

Uncle Vernon started defensively, "You see pumpkin, some of these are bigger than last years."

"I don't care if their bigger!" Daphne complained, wailing loudly, and not to mention annoyingly.

Aunt Petunia patted her big head and asked, "How about while we're out we'll buy you two more presents? How does that sound?"

Daphne put on a thinking face and trailed off, "That'll be...uh..."

"38," I muttered, but covered it up, by coughing into a curled up fist.

"38 pumpkin," Aunt reassured, her eyes wide.

"...Okay then," Daph reluctantly agreed, and concluded their petty argument.

Just then, the telephone rang loudly, and my Aunt picked it up. As the call progressed her face kept morphing into different sour and angry faces. After a minute, Aunt Petunia hung up with a slightly annoyed expression on her face.

"Bad news. Mrs. Figg broke her leg; she can't take her," My Aunt said menacingly.

"But I don't want her to come! It's my birthday! Muuummmm!!!!!!!" Daphne screeched, her ponytail flopping around. Then she stomped around the room.

After that, it took a bit of debating, but she finally subsided. So, I was really excited! I hadn't gone anywhere exciting since...ever!

After putting our coats and shoes on, before I was about to enter the car, Uncle Vernon halted me in my tracks.

"I'm warning you, girl! Any funny business and you won't get any meals for a week!" He snarled, and pointed his car keys at me in a threatening motion.

I wasn't scared one bit, but I nodded nonetheless, not wanting any trouble or hunger this week.

To my dismay, we also went to pick up Daphne's friend Kiera who was really snobby and rude, so basically the perfect friend for my cousin.

But, after disappointment, we finally got to go to the Zoo!


We had been through almost all of the Zoo, but we had just started to make our way to the part I wanted to see most - The Reptile House. I had an odd liking for snakes. They were so...approachable.

We walked up to one of the snakes behind the glass and Daphne pounded her fists on the clear pane and hollered, "MOVE!"

"Be quiet you git, he's sleeping!" I angrily whispered, and glared at her.

She walked to the King Cobras, obviously bored and annoyed that the snake didn't move an inch.

"Sorry about her, she's awful." I sympathized with the snake, and sighed.

Then it......winked at me?!

"Can you understand me?" I asked him slowly. Oh, God. I wasn't going mad was I?!

But, I wasn't, because it slowly nodded its head.

"We'll I've never done this before. Where's your family?" I questioned him. He pointed his tail to the sign it read: Brazilian Boa Constrictor. Bred in captivity.

"Me too, I guess." I sighed sadly to the snake.

Except I wasn't bred. Blegh! That's disgusting!

Then suddenly Daphne pushed me out of the way and screamed, "Woah! Look what this one doing father!"

I fell to the cold, hard ground, and glared at Daphne angrily. Almost like magic, the glass window keeping the snake in, vanished and Daphne fell in.

Good riddance.

The snake slithered away and out of the Zoo and spoke to me as he left. "Thankssssss."

When part of the commotion calmed down, Daphne tried to get out of the tank, but it seemed as if the glass re-appeared and she was trapped inside.

"Ivy was talking to it, weren't you Ivy." Kiera stated smugly, and I produced a mental face palm.

My Uncle shot me the evil eye, while Aunt Petunia clawed at the glass frantically, trying to get her 'little princess' out.

I sat there, still on the floor, and tried to avoid looking at my Uncle. Because, when we got back to Privet Drive, I knew a punishment was in store for me.


When we got back, Uncle Vernon grabbed me by my hair, and tugged me all the way to my cupboard.

I screamed defensively, "I swear I don't know what happened! It was like magic!"

"Go- cupboard- stay- no meals for a week," He seethed, and his face started to turn an unattractive shade of red, "There is no such thing as magic!!!"

He locked me in and shut the little sliding window, leaving me in complete darkness.

My mind drifted back to when I was talking to Mr. Snake, and I recalled something that held a good amount of truth.

"Yup," I sighed and leaned my head on my hands, "Bred in captivity."

Ivy Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Harry Potter FF) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now