Chapter 5

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Y/N's PoV-

"Watch out!-"


I was tackled to the floor, just as a shotput ball fell from the bookcase. The ball smashed down on my leg as my head hit the floor.





I woke up with a splitting headache. I was in Amami's room again, but he wasn't here.

"Amami?"I called out into the room.

I got out of the bed.

"I swear I use his bed more than he has..."I sighed.

When I stood up, a large amount of pain shot up my leg. I let out a yelp and fell down. Where the hell is Amami? I heard the door open. My eyes shot to the door. It was Saihara.

"Y/N? Why are you in here?"He asked.

"I honestly have no idea. I can't stand. Where's Amami?"

Before he could answer, The Monokubs appeared on the monitor.

"A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the gym!"

The video had stopped playing on the monitor. It was silent.

"He was in the gym with Miu and Kaede! We have to go!"

"Can you help me get there? I can't stand!"I gasped.

Saihara helped me walk to the gym and when we entered....

Himiko dangled upside-down from the ceiling, a metal pipe jabbed inside her head.

"H-Himiko?"I whispered.

Tenko broke down into tears. This can't be real....

"Who would do this?"Gasped Kaede.

Despite being the Ultimate Sniper, I had a fear of blood. It was everywhere...who ever did this did a really messy job. From the way she's hung to the pole just shoved inside her-

"-Y/N are you alright?"Asked Amami.

I snapped out of thought.





"As well as the pole in her head, there's a wound in her abdomen. That's likely the cause of death."I stated.

"Couldn't you have a bit more sympathy?"Asked Korekiyo.

"S-Sorry."I apologised.

Amami helped me walk around. I'm 99.9 percent sure that my leg is broken.

"Wait. Amami look"I whispered pointing to the wall by the door.

There was footprints of blood heading to the hallway.

"Looks like the culprit wasn't so smart after all."He replied.

We gathered everyone around the footprints. All we had to do is see who's shoe matched the prints, right?

"Alright, everyone take of their right shoe."I commanded.

"Why the right? What about the left?"Asked Ouma with a smirk.

I shot him a glare. We all took off a shoe and compared them one by one we finally reached mine and...

"I-It matches?"I gasped.

"So Y/N is the culprit then?"Asked Gonta.

"That's impossible! I can't even walk!"I answered.

"But your shoe is the only match-"

"Her door was wide open all day. Anyone could have taken a pair."Interrupted Ryoma.

"Plus, the time of death was around 1 pm, I was in the room with her when the announcement went off."Commented Saihara.

"Himiko had died moments before you had found her, so it can't be me!"I exclaimed.

"You'll have to prove yourself innocent in the class trial."Said Maki.

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