Chapter 9

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Y/N's PoV-

I hadn't passed out yet, but I was in a lot of pain.

"Does this place have like....a nurse's office or some form of medical supplies?"I mumbled to Amami, who was currently bandaging my head.

"I don't remember ever seeing one. How did this happen?"He asked me, a calm expression on his face.

"You didn't come to check on I got worried and went to find you....I think."

Ryoma looked at me with confusion,"...You think?"

"Everything's a blur...."I mumbled.

Amami looked me in the eyes.

"I told you to stay in your room, Y/N."

"I know....but I got worried. After what happened with Himiko I-"

"Let's just go back. You're coming to my room so I can keep an eye on you."Amami stated, putting me on his back.

Miu gave us a look and erupted into laughter.

"Don't get too kinky! Make sure to use protection, you freaks!"She exclaimed.

I inhaled sharply, my face going red. Amami's grip on me tightened. I could make out a faint blush on his face.

"S-Shut up, Miu!"I growled, hiding my face in Amami's back. I felt him tense up.



We headed to Amami's room. I was starting to feel dizzy.

"You alright Y/N?"He asked.

"Y-Yeah...."I whispered.

We were about to get out of the school when I saw a door with two snipers painted on it.

"W-Wait! what's this room?"I asked, tapping his arm.

He looked at it with curiosity.

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before."

My eyes lit up with curiosity.

"Can we go in to investigate? Please Amami?"I begged.



He let out a sigh,"Alright."

We entered the room. I look a look at it. The walls were lined with snipers, and at the back there was a practice range. My eyes widened.

"Set me down."


"Set me down"

Amami let me down and I slowly picked up a sniper.

"Hey Amami....I haven't told you what my ultimate talent is yet, right?"

"No, you haven't yet. I was actually curious about that."He said, eyeing the sniper in my hands.

"I'm the Ultimate Sniper, Y/N L/N."

I feared for the worse. Amami is the person I've gotten the closest to, I don't want to lose him-

"Really? Is that why you wanted to come here?"

I nodded.

"Mm. I haven't shot a gun in a while."

I looked through the scope and aimed at a target. I shot, missing the centre by a small amount.

"Damn. My aim's off...."I mumbled.

"So, do you only use snipers or can you use other weapons too?"

"Well, I'm pretty good with a knife."I boasted.

I looked around, seeing a small hammock in the corner.

"This room is dangerous. I'm going to stay here so no one can come in and take a gun."I said, picking up a different sniper.

"Y/N, that's dangerous. Someone could come and-"

"There's a lock. We can have a code-word or something."

He let out a sigh.

"I don't like this idea much....I have a bad feeling about this..."

"Everything's going to be alright. Just trust me okay?"I said, gently holding his shoulder.

After a little more convincing, he finally agreed. We decided on a code word and he left me with some items I'd need. I sighed, picking up a F/C knife. I twirled it and stabbed it into a training dummy.

"Hm....This knife needs to be sharpened."I said, taking a mental note.

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