(Ending #3)

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Y/N's PoV-

We arrived at the washroom one minute late. I gave Amami a nervous glance as I opened the door slowly. I put a finger to my mouth, symboling for him to be quiet.

"Hello? I got your note. Who's in here?"I called out.

No answer. Maybe this was just some prank? I turned around and looked at Amami who was looking in a stall. He came out and shrugged. That's when I saw it. A blur rush from the corner of the dark Washroom. It was too dark to make out who it was, but I could see them take an object from their pocket.

A Gun.

They aimed it at Amami, but I tackled them to the floor before they could shoot him. The person had managed to shoot my arm, making me cry out in pain.

"Amami! The lights!"I exclaimed, struggling to keep them restrained.

He ran to the lights, just as I was thrown off of the person. I felt another bullet hit my shoulder. The lights flickered on, revealing the person.

"Kirumi?!"I yelled.

She haistly took out a second gun and aimed it at Amami.

"Both of you will die. I cannot have witnesses."

"Witnesses this! Amami run!"I yelled.

We bolted out the door, Amami ahead of me. I could hear Kirumi shooting at us. We were almost around the corner  when a shot connected to my right leg. I tumbled to the ground, hitting the wall. I looked up at her in fear. Amami was no where to be seen.

"You'll bleed out. I need to get Amami."She said walking off.

A puddle of blood was starting to form under me. At least I bought time for Amami to get away....


"A-Amami?"I gasped.

He had a roll of bandages in his hand as he ran towards me.

"Just hold on, you're gonna be alright."He said in a calm, soothing voice.

I was starting to feel really dizzy.

"Amami....I think I'm going to pass out....."

"No. You have to stay awake. For me."

He began tightly bandaging my wounds, making me whimper in pain. He started bandaging my leg.

"Gah!"I cried.

"Shh. She'll find us if we're not quiet."He said.

I gritted my teeth, trying to be as quiet as possible. He finished and picked me up. As soon as he did, we heard footsteps haistly coming towards us. I burried my face into his chest as he ran. I heard a shot go off. She must have missed this time. Amami's free hand went into his pocket and he pulled out a gun, shooting it behind him blindly.

I felt cold air hit my body, we had made it outside. Amami darted into the dorms and into his room, locking the door.

"A-Are we....safe?"I asked.

He held me tight.

"We're safe."

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