Chapter 11

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Y/N's PoV-

"I've never seen you lose your cool like that, Amami."I chuckled.

"You're acting kind of strange, Y/N. Are you sure you're alright?"He asked.

"I'm fine. You know....I've been thinking about something lately."

Amami seemed nervous.

"....What is it?"

"How we're never going to get out of here. You've realised that, Right? There's no escape. Not unless I-"

A dark expression crossed his face, the same one I saw in the dining hall.

"Stop. Do you even realise what you're saying? Don't even think for a second that I'd allow you to kill someone."He growled.

There was this unknown feeling swirling inside me. I looked down, letting out a small laugh. My laugh got louder and louder.

"Snap out of it."


I stumbled backwards, holding my face. The feeling disappeared, and I stared at Amami. He sighed and looked off to the side.


"No, I should apologise. I....I don't know what came over me."I said.

Amami regained his composure. We stood in awkward silence.

"I don't get it."He mumbled.

"Don't get what?"I asked.

"Why I lose my composure around you. It's odd..."

He ran a hand through his hair. It was quite messy, which made him look really cute. I glanced to the side, a small blush on my face.

"Y-Yeah, that's odd."I replied.

"Also, stop getting into trouble. I don't want you hurt."He commanded, pointing at me.


He sat down in a chair.

"I discovered something before I fought those robots though. I can shoot through the wall around this place."

"No way. Seriously?"


Suddenly, my head began to pound. I mumbled a string of curses as I held it.


My legs gave out and I crumpled to the floor. That's when I heard something. The loud clanking of metal on the school floor, heading straight towards the lab. The door was slammed open, revealing three Robots.

"This isn't good."Mumbled Amami.

My body shook.

"M-My head...I c-can't move"I whispered.

Suddenly the robots turned around and left. Amami scooped me up into his arms and held me.

"We're going back to the dorms."He stated.

"No! I-I'm fine I swear..."

He looked at me with concern.

"Did you happen to hit your head earlier?"Amami asked.

"Yes, but-"

"No buts. You're leaving."

I whimpered, my head pounding again.

"You've been acting differently lately. Maybe it has to do with your head injuries."

I pressed my head into his chest. I felt him tense up a little.




I shot up from bed, hearing a knock on my door. Many knocks.

"Alright I'm coming"I mumbled.

I opened the door to see Kaito.

"...Hm? Kaito?"

"Hey Y/N! How's it going?"He asked.

Kaito is really loud.

"Meh....I'm tired."I said.

"Ah, well that's not good! I was just comin' to check on you. You did start quite the fight back there with the Exisals."

"You mean those huge robots? And yes, I have a slight headache but I'm fine."I smiled.

So those robots are called exisals? I'll keep note of that.

"Thanks for checking in on me, Kaito. I really appreciate it."

"No problem! I gotta get some food now, I'll see you around, Y/N!"Kaito exclaimed, jogging out the dorms.

"Bye!"I called.

That was really nice of Kaito to do. Maybe I should hang out with people other than Amami more....

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