Chapter 3

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Y/N's PoV:

We all sat on the ground exhausted.

"Come on guys! Third times the charm right?"Kaede exclaimed.

I shook my head.

"We'll never get through this tunnel."Rantaro mumbled.


"Look at everyone Kaede. We don't want to continue."Said Ouma.

"If we just work together then-"

"Stop it."I growled.

Unfortunately to my surprise, the majority decided to try again. I leaned on Kiibo and Rantaro as support as we all walked in.

We made it halfway through when my legs started to give out. I sprinted to jump over a large gap, but didn't make it. My right hand grabbed the ledge, but I was slipping fast.

"Help!"I called out.

I felt a hand grab mine and pull me up. It was Tenko.

"Are you alright Y/N?"She asked.

I nodded, shakily getting to my feet. I pushed forward, continuing onwards.

"I-I can't make it....can we please go back?"I stuttered.

I usually had a lot of stamina, but I was reaching my limit. My legs finally gave out as I fell to my knees. That's when I realized, I had gotten ahead of everyone.

"Guys...?"I whispered.

The world started to darken as I slipped out of consciousness.



I woke up back at the front of the tunnel, everyone hovering above me. I blinked a few times.

"How did I get back?"I asked, clearly confused.

"Gonta found you and brought you back."Said Shuichi.

"Thanks Gonta"I smiled.

I sat up, letting out a groan. My body ached immensely from getting through the tunnel. I mumbled a curse under my breath, stumbling to my feet. My legs gave out again.

"Ah...Damn...."I whispered.

"Here, get on my back."Said Amami.

"A-Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden."I asked.

He shook his head and gave me a smile. I got on his back and he climbed up the ladder. I started to fall asleep on his back. He's really warm....My eyes shut and I fell into a deep sleep.



I woke up in my room.

"Mm....I guess I fell asleep...."I mumbled.

I sleepily got up and walked to the door. I was still in my uniform. Yawning, I walked out of my room. It was strangely quiet.

"I wonder where everyone else is"I questioned.

My body still ached, but not as much as it did earlier. I walked into the school and tried to find someone to hang out with. I saw Kaede and Shuichi hanging out together.

"Hm...I'll keep looking. Seems like they're busy."

I entered the library. No one was in here either. I walked into the middle of the room and saw a bookcase move open.

"What?"I gasped.

The bookcase closed right after. This was starting to freak me out....I haistly left the library. For now, I'll keep it a secret.

-The next day....-

I went back to the library to investigate that bookcase. It was early in the morning so the only ones awake were Kirumi and I. Walking over to the bookcase, I pushed on it and it opened up. Holding my breath, I went inside.

Inside, here was a mysterious black and white door with a card reader.

"That's strange....A card reader?"I mumbled.

I inspected the area a bit more before stepping out of the bookcase. It slid back into place. My stomach growled.

"I guess I should eat....I haven't since I got here."I sighed.

I was starting to feel homesick. I missed my mom's cooking....I miss my family. Will I ever get to see them again? Do they miss me? I didn't even realize that I had made it to the dining hall.

"Alright! Time to eat."

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