Cupid team strikes (part 1)

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Clare's POV.


Assistants:probably doing something I would not like to mention(aka they dissapeared)

Awkard setting ready for action:check

Now all I had to do was to set this plan in action. Hehehehe......"Your Maliciousness"Declyn said popping out of nowhere. "can we start?"Cassy asked popping from the other side. How the donkeykong did they get over here?I put on a malicious smile remembering what we were about to do"We shall commence the plot my minions" "I'll get Jack!"Declyn yelled rushing off. "and I'll go get Maddy"shouted Cassy sprinting off. My minions have gone so now all I had to do was sit back and relax.


I was sitting down trying to distract myself from....clare. Goddammit! Then I saw her what was she doing here? In a park alone for god's sake. And was that a picnic?


Maddy's POV.

I played Call of Duty watching as zombies died trying not to think of the extremely awkard moment Jack. Why did Clare leave? Why was it so awkard with me and Jack arent we friends? many questions left un-answered.


Clare's POV.

They had arrived!! Well down my minions! Mwuhahahhaha! Suddenly I sensed a presence. I turn to see Corey? "What are you doing here?"he asked. "shhh no time to talk act with buddy, explain later"I said desperate for him not to ruin the plan.


Corey's POV.

What did she mean by act along? Whatever it was I would whole lotta drama. I just knew it.


Sorry guys I had to cut it short due to my bothers persistent whining. Anyone know how to get a bother to stop talking? I just dont know how!!!

Try to touch me in any private parts and you'll be kissing the floor-TW

ps. pic of Jack on side(sorry mad I couldnt find a guy with blue eyes )

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