Chapter 9: The Stars She Never Knew Could Exist

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It was the middle of 11th  grade, the pressure to grow up edging its way into El's mind everyday she walked the crowded halls of Hawkins High. Everywhere she went all she heard of was girls plans with their boyfriends that weekend. She was mad, in all honesty. She thought you had to be older to have sex. Or at least be ready to have sex, but these girls who had only been dating the guy they were talking about for like 2 weeks were already planning on doing it.

The more she thought of it, the more she questioned herself as to why her and Mike haven't even started gravitating to the idea of it. After the very awkward talk last year in his basement it was like the thought never came up between them again during conversations. Sure, she had thought about it, wondered how it'd feel, or what it would feel like after. How would it effect their relationship, would it make them closer or would it be awkward?

She had so many questions, and every time things got heated she wanted them to continue. She wanted Mike to touch her, to make her feel good, the same words he had used when describing why people did it.

But he never did, it was like every time their skin burned and their hands started traveling he'd pull away. She didn't know if he was scared, or if he was just thinking of her and not wanting to push her too far. But she decided that if he didn't she would.


They drove back to Mike's that afternoon, Mike going on and on about midterms. She took him in, noticing his newly cut hair, it was still floppy and covered most of his ears though. His brows furrowed, she could tell he was highly frustrated. His hands grasping the wheel in annoyance, as he finally finished rambling.

She nodded her head along with the conversation, too focused on him than his words.

When they pulled up to his house, it didn't take them long to wonder down to the basement. She always wondered why they came down here, instead of his room.

He left her briefly to go upstairs to gather up some notebooks.

"Hey, my mom's wondering if you want to stay for supper," He questioned on his way down. A smile now on his face, the irritation gone.

"Sure," she nodded in agreement, pulling her work out. Her thoughts to jumbled together about earlier. She didn't want to work on school right now, she wanted to catch him by surprise. Leaning over to press her lips to his, straddling his lap and finally taking a step closer to what everyone talks about, but of course she didn't.


An hour into studying, she couldn't take it any longer. The entire time she didn't focus on the words in front of her. She almost said to hell with the midterm next week, and slammed the book closed. But she kept trying to talk herself out of trying something new.

Mike sat hunched over, completely oblivious to her thoughts or actions. She could tell he was determined to make a good grade. Her skin burned at the thoughts of doing what her mind wanted to.

Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips. Her eyes trailing over every inch of Mike. His long eyelashes, his freckles, his pink lips, his striped shirt, and denim jeans.

"What's wrong," he asked out of nowhere. Startling El, she almost gasped as his face turned so their eyes could meet.

"Nothing," she chuckled under her breath, clearing her throat before making her eyes go back down to her textbook.

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