Chapter Nine - Small, Stupid Idea

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K.O. let out a small yawn as he poked at the dirt patch with the stick. One of the things that happened often other than fearing for your life and remembering your life before was boredom. He almost had nothing to do to pass the time, and it drove him crazy to not be able to simply pass the time by looking at a phone screen.

He didn't know if he wanted too, anyway. Technology was evolving at the time, yes, but it also seemed to be the downfall of humanity as well. People became more and more hooked to their phones and electronics that they forget about the real world and loose themselves. It really upset him to know that people would let themselves go all because of some pixels on a screen.

He let out a sigh and set the stick down. He started to think about things again, but shook the thoughts out f his head. He didn't want his mind to start wandering again, it never did him any good and only made things worse. He shivered at the reminder of what happened the last time he drew with the stick in the dirt.

He just stood up and walked toward his bed and sat down next to it. He really felt lonely when he was sleeping since Colewort and Potato slept on the other side. He doesn't remember why everyone decided to sleep so far apart.

Either way really wanted the beds to be close together again so he'd feel less lonely and have someone to comfort him if he woke up in the middle of the night crying because his dreams were basically a mix of his memories of the past and a bunch of nightmare fuel.

"Hey, Colewort, Potato, can you guys come here?" He asked. "I want to talk to you guys about something."The two quickly walked up to him and looked at him. "Yeah K.O.?" They both asked at the same time, though Potato spoke much quicker than Colewort.

"I was wondering if we could move our beds closer together and start sleeping that way again," K.O. stated. "I mean, it gets pretty lonely at night, even when you know someone else is there." He just looked down at the ground and slightly blushed as he continued.

"And I'll be honest, if you guys slept closer to my bed it'd help me feel safer. I mean, I can't really explain it any better than that. It's fine if you don't want to do it, though, it was just a stupid suggestion of mine."

Potato and Colewort looked at each other then back at K.O., who was looking at the ground and avoiding eye contact. "You know, K.O.," Potato said, crossing her arms as she spoke. K.O. saw her cross her arms and immediately felt like he made the worst mistake in the world. "I think that'd actually work."

K.O. looked up at her and he felt his terrible feeling go away. "Really?" He asked in a childish way, unable to believe they actually listened to his idea. "You're okay with doing that again?" His eyes lit up with a tiny bit of joy and a small smile crossed his face for a brief moment.

"Yeah, I mean, I'm okay with it, I'm not too sure about Colewort." Potato looked at Colewort and didn't say a word. She didn't really need to, though, because he already knew what she was going to ask. "Yeah, I'm okay with it," he responded.

"Okay, K.O., we'll be getting our beds, hold on," Potato said, looking at K.O. with a smile before running off in the direction of her bed.

K.O. smiled a bit again, knowing he wouldn't feel as lonely as before. He let a small memory crawl into his mind of when he was younger. He would always crawl into his mom's bedroom after he had a nightmare and told his mom about it. She would always hug him tight and then let him sleep with her until he feel asleep, then she would quietly carry him back into his bed.

He really missed it when he could talk to his mom about what was bothering him and how she would hug him and help him deal with it. He just let out a sigh as he shook the memories from his mind, trying not to get emotional again.

At that moment, Potato and Colewort both dragged their cardboard beds a few feet away from his. "Haha, thanks guys," he chuckled. "I appreciate you guys doing this."

"You're welcome, K.O.," Potato said. "And don't worry, you deserve it. I'll admit it too, I've been a little bit lonely too."

K.O. just smiled in response and then got into his bed after Colewort and Potato got into their beds. He lied his head down on his stuffed bear and covered up, slowly falling asleep.

And for once in his life, he felt a strange comfort he hasn't felt in a long, long time.

(A/N) Today I saw a mouse go into the heater room and like ten minutes later it was under the table in the living room trying to eat at something. Then it died for some reason and my dad was asleep and I told him but he was still asleep. When he got up I reminded him about it and then he got gloves on and threw it outside

Yeahhh, that was definitely a weird story xD

This is also officially longer than my other stories which have only lasted 8 chapters! Hooray! XD

By the way, the SU hiatus ends tomorrow because the episodes are releasing early on the app and On-Demand! Ahhh I'm so excited! We've been waiting so long! Ahhhhhh!

Anyway, hype aside, that's all I really have to say for this chapter other than please vote and comment I'd you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next one!

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