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Chapter 4

Zhalia ran into a clearing and paused as her fur bristled. Something wasn’t right. The sun had hidden behind the dark clouds overhead and the wind suddenly picked up.

An eerie silence had befallen and the woods were deathly quiet, almost as if it was holding its breath. That was the first sign that something was wrong because the woods were never quiet. There was always the chirping of birds, the wind rustling through the tree branches and the noises of other wood animals…but there was none of that now.

The other sign that something was wrong was the scent of wolves. The unknown wolves were definitely not from the midnight pack, she would know if they were. The area reeked of rogues. Their overbearing smell of damp, sweaty fur and coppery blood that was no doubt caked all over them from their last hunt. It was disgusting.

Zhalia pricked her ears as she heard a twig snap. She looked around the clearing with her keen, purple eyes, her black ears swivelled from left to right, trying to hear something…anything.

Her eyes suddenly caught sight of glowing, green eyes. The sinister looking eyes narrowed as the owner realised that they had been spotted. A low growl filled the clearing, reverberating off the sturdy trees. Zhalia looked around the clearing in shock as more eyes revealed themselves, all glowing different colours. The rogue wolves stepped out of the shadows and immediately surrounded her, their teeth pulled back as a snarl clawed its way out of their throats.

They all had a hungry, murderous glint in their eyes as they glared at Zhalia. Two wolves to her left parted and an old wolf stalked through. His emerald, green eyes glittered cruelly as they fell upon her crouched form.

It was the same wolf from ten years ago, the same one who led the rogue pack and killed her mother back when she was eight! Zhalia snarled ferociously and bared her teeth as the old wolf advanced.

“Ah…it is you, the cub from ten years ago. The daughter of the midnight pack’s alpha.” The old wolf sneered at Zhalia.

“You killed my mother!”

“Oh yes…I did didn’t I? She was a feisty wolf but she was nothing that my pack couldn’t handle. I think we should finish what we started ten years ago…what do you think boys?” The green eyed wolf mockingly asked his pack who all growled in agreement.

Zhalia’s eyes widened as all the wolves stepped towards her. There was more than twenty! How could she fend them all off? She remembered her mother’s last moment, the moment where she gazed into her eyes with such strength, such determination. She was a true wolf. Zhalia’s eyes glowed in determination. She would be brave like her mother and go down fighting.

With a snarl, she lunged at the nearest wolves that were caught off guard with her unexpected attack. That was all she needed. She sank her fangs into the soft, vulnerable flank of the nearest wolf and viciously yanked the fur and flesh right off. Blood splattered the ground but she didn’t hesitate, if she did she would die.

She quickly turned and slashed the wolf behind her. He backed away, whimpering in pain, Zhalia had managed to gouge his eyes out. The other wolves collected themselves and surrounded her again. Zhalia panted heavily as she glared at them all. She saw a wolf lunging at her from the corner of her eyes. With a roar she swung around and slashed her claws down his chest. The other wolves took this moment to pounce on her when she was distracted.

Zhalia yelped in pain as claws slashed into her from all directions and snapping teeth bit into her soft fur. With a howl she rolled out from under the pile of wolves only to be met with more wolves. One of the wolves jumped onto her, effectively pinning her down. The other wolves crowded around her.

Zhalia clenched her eyes shut from the pain. Blood soaked into her fur and most of it was hers. She breathed heavily as the wolf who restrained her bore down on her, crushing her ribs and making it impossible for the oxygen to reach her heaving lungs. Black spots started to fill her vision. She closed her eyes in defeat.

This is the end for me…

Suddenly the wolf on top of her was flung off and snarling filled the air. Zhalia looked up weakly. The sun was setting but she could still make out her saviour. Silver fur glowed beautifully in the fading light as ice blue eyes swept over the clearing.

“You are all trespassing on my territory. For that you shall pay the price!” With a threatening snarl, the silver wolf lunged at the surprised rogues. His claws glinted in the weak light and dying screams filled the air.

Zhalia’s eyes fluttered to a close and the last thing she saw was a silver flash that left blood in its wake…

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