Where am i

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Sorry, this may be a slight shock but I think you probably knew who has her if not.. here you go!

(Unknowns PoV)
I pulled into an old abandoned Barn. I took Alina to a stall and threw her in there and locked the stall door. I would not put her in chains but she would be unable to escape.
I left to get food for her, besides I need her to come back to me...
she is my daughter.
(Anniahs POV)
I slowly woke up to find myself in a stall, or what I thought was a stall. I was in hay and when I stood I was very dizzy. I collapsed back onto the ground. I heard footsteps so I pretended to be asleep.
One of Anniahs friend.
I watched a man, who i never seen before take Anniah to the nurse. I thought nothing of it, before my next class I went to the nurse to check on Anniah.
"Is Anniah Smallbone here?" I asked.
"Anniah... nope, not here." The nurse replied after looking at a computer screen.
"Are you sure??? She threw up at lunch and passed out, a man said he was bring her here."
"I never saw her."
"I got to go!" I told the nurse and ran out in a sprint and pushed my way through students and headed to the Principal.
"Call 9-1-1!!!" I yelled as I ran in.
"I will not accept yelling in this office! Am I clear!" The principal told as she stood at her desk.
"I'm sorry ma'am but you need to call 9-1-1!" I told her, quietly.
"Thank you, now what's wrong, is someone sick, injured, dying?" She asked, cool as stone, no hint of worry.
" no..not yet but Anniah, she's gone!"
"Gone? Are you sure. She was not picked up by a family member?" She asked me.
"No! At Lunch she suddenly became sick, threw up then passed out, a man I never saw was going to take her to the nurse, I just went to the nurse and she said she never came!! I think she was Kidnapped! We need to call the Police!!" I told her.
"Are you sure? Maybe she got picked up by Joel or Moriah?" The principal asked, she was now looking slightly concerned.
"she was being carried by a man I did not recognize!"
"Let me call her parents." The principal told me.
Phone call between Joel and the principal.
"Hello?" Joel answered.
"Hello Mr. Smallbone, I am principal Ann, I'm calling you concerning your Daughter Anniah."
"Is there a problem?"
"I'm afraid so, your daughter was sick at lunch and passed out... unfortunately she never made it to medical, right now we have no eyes on her, please come quickly, I will be notifying the Police."
"Your saying my daughter is missing?" Joel asked.
"I am afraid so."
"Were on the way."
"Thank you." Principal Ann hung up.
Now it's Joel calling Luke.
"Hey! Brother what's up?" Luke answered.
"Luke head to Anniah's school, she is missing!"
"Missing! How? Why? By who?!" Luke asked.
"We will be filled In at the school."
"I'll meet you there!" Luke told him then hung up.
(Back to the friends veiw.)
School was postponed but no one was aloud out. Everyone was sent to to the gym to be questioned.
Joel, Luke, Moriah and Courtney ran in and were sent to the principal office where there was a police chief there. When the Smallbones arrived they saw about twenty cop cars all with lights on.
"What's going on!" Joel demanded.
"Who are you?" The police chief asked.
"Joel Smallbone. This is my wife Moriah, my Brother Luke and his wife Courtney. Me and Moriah are the parents of Anniah."
"Okay sorry, my name is officer Marco, and I'm the leader of this case, I assume you know nothing about this?" He asked.
"Okay well here is what I got out of her friends, Anniah was doing fine till lunch, at lunch she suddenly started feeling sick correct' the officer stoped and looked at me for approval I nodded' Anniah threw up when she stood then passed out, a man, dressed in black came and said that he would take her to the nurse, then they were gone, then when her friend, went to the nurse she was told that she never arrived, she ran to the office and that is what we have." The officer summed it up.
"Where is she?" Joel asked.
"I have some officers dusting for fingerprints, and some others questing other students and staff. Right now it's classified as a kid napping, in order to put out an Amber alert I need a full description of Anniah." The officer asked.
(Guys! I just realized that I don't have a description of her sorry! So it will be right here!)
"She is about 5,4, about 136 pounds, mid-back brown hair with blond highlights, she was wearing a hunter green shirt and tan shorts that go to her knees, had a light brown watch and a necklace that has a framed Australian 1 cent coin on it. Her name is Anniah but it use to be Alina and black with dark blue shoes." Joel told the officer and then wrote it down.
Then a officer ran in with a bag in hand.
"What do you have Sam?"
"I found a foreign liquid in her food. It's a small amounts but I found it a mix of two kind of meds, 1 makes you sick as in throwing up the other made you tired, or pass out if your given enough."
"Get it to Forensics!"
"Yes Sir!" The officer answered then ran off."
(Back at the barn)
(Anniah's POV)
I had my eyes closed when I heard the stall door open. I felt a hand touch me.
"Time to eat, you know that it's not okay for you to run away, you scared your mom." When the man said them at my eyes shot open and I ran to the corner trying to get away.
"H..how did.. you find me?"
"Alina, I am your father.. i..."
"You! My Father! NEVER!! You are not my father, not even my step father, and my name is Anniah! Leave me alone and let me go!" I cut him off screaming.
"Alina is your name... you know why??  Cause you always leave Scars and holes in everyone's hearts! Your nothing!! You hear me! Do not disrespect your father!" He yelled at me then punched me. I fell to the ground.
"Worthless junk! This is where you stay, you are an animal so we will treat you like one, oh ya, get ready for fun!" My X-dad snarled then locked the stall. He had left me some food. I took a little water but refused to eat.
My x-dad returned later and he put a cloth up to give us privacy. Then he gave me this drink.
"Drink this, it will help." I refused but he forced me to drink it, it tasted awful and it made my stomach feel queasy... then my dad forced another in me, I then realized that he was forcing me to sting hard beer. By the end of the second I could hardly stand, my body felt numb, my dad lowered me to the floor, took all my clothes off and he did the same... the whole time I felt nothing but my dad was happy. Cause I was waisted.
An hour later when he had his fun he put his clothes on then he helped me do the same, I was soo dizzy.
"I..I'm..going.. sick.." I told him the I then proceeded to throw up on my dad. He looked at me and told me.
"Your a mess! Get your self presentable, your mother wants to talk to you!" He left and I cried. I took water and washed the vomit off of me, I then remembered that I was wearing any special bracelet. Why is this important? Cause it's a tracker! It it a bracelet that looks like the 'Respect and Honor' bracelet  that my dad sells but mine has a tracker in it. I know but it's cause it's rubber. I'm the only one who has it but my dad made 50 to give out so I don't look different. I found the switch made sure it was on. It was.
(Joel's POV)
It had been two hours since i received the phone call that my daughter was missing. I had already told the police about who I thought had her. I paced and paced trying to figure out where my daughter was, I played with my wedding band then I caught a flash of black on my wrist. 'Respect and Honor' bracelet. Then I remembered! I grabbed my Phone and went to 'no more hideing' app which gave me tracking abilities and I saw a blue dot of where I was and a red dot of where Anniah was.
"Officer! I found her!" I yelled and Luke, Moriah and Courtney looked confused.
"My app, remember Moriah when I made her a tracking bracelet? I remember that I have the app! I found her!" I yelled. The chief looked and then went onto The intercoms,
"All Officers code 3 to 167 county road, cross road pear, kill sirens ten mile to the address, cautiously approach, man maybe armed, dangerous and could have a hostage so watch your crossfire!"
"You guys may follow, but you will stay in your cars till we get the suspects in custody and we have cleared the scene." The officer then told us, we all agreed.
As we ran out I saw , Toby Mac, NF, Lecrae, Tripp Lee, Mike from TAN, Colton Dixon, Michel and Duncan all waiting by their cars. I waved to them then we all took off.
(The barn)
I sat in a corner quietly singing Ceasefire in my head. I really wish my parents would leave me alone I want my real parents, Joel, Moriah, Luke, Courtney and everyone else. Not these people. I prayed a quick prayer when I heard feel pounding. Then my old mom showed, she was drunk and so was my step dad.
"What do you think you were doing Gorl!" My moms words were jumbled.
"Speak!" My father yelled when I remained quiet. My mom was done so she grabbed my arm and she threw my to the ground and they started punching and kicking me. I swift kick to my rib then another to my head, I was seeing stars but I felt my dad snap my leg and my mom braking a rib with a kick. Then a knife blade appeared. My dad cut me broken leg then gave me a gun gash on the side of my face when I hear sudden screaming,
"Get your hands off her!!" I heard a young male voice yell. Then I saw a man in a black hoody jump on my dad and punch him, he grabbed him then the man in black threw my dad in to the stall wall and punched him till my dad fell. Then as I faded from the pain I saw a uniform grab my mom and another grab my dad and took them, I saw a young face lean into my view. He had a hat that said 'Real' I knew that it was Nate of NF.
"Hold in Anniah. I don't want to move you, I don't know how bad the damage is. JOEL! LUKE! MIKE! MICHEL! DUNCAN! Everyone get in here!" I barely heard Nate Yell. But then I saw my dad who had escaped custody try and stab Nate in the back but Nate saw the panic in my eye and barely turned. Nate grabbed him and started to defend himself then Duncan and the others ran in. Duncan went and helped the Police and Nate subdue my dad, they were forced to taser my dad to get him still. I closed my eyes due to the pain. My stomach suddenly leached and I rolled to my side and I threw up again. I felt a hand touch me and I jumped. My eyes opened wide then I relaxed when I saw Dad, Uncle Luke, Mike and the others surrounding me. I noticed that I accidentally threw up on most of them in some places. Duncan had grabbed medics so they started working on me. Dad came in the Ambulance with me.

What do you think fellow  Cravers?
So some of this story has similar features to other stories so if you read it and you think ' I have something like that' and you don't like it let me know and I will Change it and I am sorry... if you don't mind if I use it but you want me to tag you in it let me know and tell me what story it is in.
Thank you all!!!

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