Learning how to be found!

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Here goes nothing!

(Anniahs POV)
Well today is my second date but today it's real! Britt surprised me Christmas and asked for another date and I said yes. Right now I think my dad is know any little attentions Britt has for me.
(Joel's POV)
"What do you plan on doing with my daughter?" I asked Britt.
"I want to take her to a restaurant that's not too fancy and by her dinner, then I got us VIP tickets to see Jason Gray. I plan on taking her then after I will drop her back here. I promise to keep my hands with me at all times and to back off if she feels nervous around me." He answered me.
"Do you have any other crazy sibling I may need to know of?"
"No sir, I won't be near them and not one besides your family and my parents know about this."
"I expect that you will treat my Neice with Honor and Respect, that you will listen to her if she is scared and needs time away, I believe that you will get her to a security guard if she wants to get away from you??" Luke asked.
"Yes Sir! I will be there for her but I won't do anything to scare her!"
"Please remember what you have told us. I know as a man and young man that we get desires with woman and all I ask is that you keep those away and treat her with respect. Keep this on at all times and look at it if you feel an impulse to do something stupid." I told him as I took my 'Respect and Honor' bracelet off and handed to him and he put it on.
"I will. Your daughter and neice will be well taken care of." Britt replied.
"In joy your time! Be warned that if anything she tells me that she was scared, the wrath of like 35 Smallbones will be on you!" I warned.
"Yes sir!"
We all got up I hugged Britt and so did Luke and then we prayed then let Britt and Anni leave.
(Anniahs POV)
"I'm sorry about my dad and Uncle, they are a little over protective sometimes." I apologize as we sat at our restaurant, ordered our food then our food came like really fast.
"Don't be sorry, I am very glad to be dating a family that cares so much about their family members, my parents also warned me that I had to respect you and I truly will Honor that. Plus I know that you have not had good experiences with boys in the past."
"Thank you Britt." I told him as we finished and then 10 minutes of small talk in the car, we arrived at the concert hall.
Britt opened doors for me and he helped me to my seat, when I was cold he gave me his jacket.
As we watched NF play, dance and jump across the stage I could not help but do the same on the ground. Britt laughed at me at how crazy I was.
Then during Hollyn I sang but I was tired so I sat most of her parts.
When Anthem Lights came on I, again was singing and dancing they decided to play a mash up of the K-Love fan award artist and I knew them all!

Totally listen to this song!! It's amazing!!!

After that Jason Gray came on and during one of his songs called 'learning' (song in the beginning) I soon realized that that's me, I'm still learning about Christ and and that I am learning to trust boys again. As I hear Jason talk about his stuttering problem I was amazed to hear how he over comes that and he had a divorce recently so he was still having a hard time coping.
During a song that Jason Grey played called...  'where the wound is where the light gets in' I decided that I was way to lost with out God. So at that moment I stoped dancing I went to my knees and Britt knelt and asked me what is wrong,
"I can't keep living with out God! I need him in my life" I told him.
"You want to accept Christ?" He asked me. I nodded.
So during that song we prayed the sinners prayer. As Jason Gray ended that song I cried and I said Amen to that prayer. I then noticed that Britt put his arm around my shoulder. For once I did not mind.
(You see I never asked to be saved, I had subtle hints by family but I never knew how much i needed him and I use to hate to be touched by a boy since the accident.)
It was midnight and as soon as we finished the meet and greet with the artists since we had VIP tickets, I fell asleep in Britt's car.
(Britts POV)
I saw Anni asleep. I looked at the cars clock and it read 12:35am and I knew that my house was 15 minutes away and her house was nearly 30 minutes away. So I grabbed my phone and texted Joel.
B: Joel, its Britt, I wanted to ask if I could bring Anni to my place? She is asleep and I am very tired and don't think driving thirty minutes to your place is wise? I promise to place her somewhere safe and I will be in a different room.
J: thank you Britt and I can trust that you will be true to your word?
B: I give you my word sir!
J: be safe! Bring her back by noon tomorrow.
B: yes sir!
I closed my phone and started driving to my house. I had already texted my mom that I was doing this. I arrived at my house and I picked up Anni who was still asleep. I carried her to my room and tucked her into my bed. I made sure we was still asleep I closed the door slightly and I grabbed a blanket and pillow and went to the couch and I slept there.
When I woke up I noticed that Anni was up and making my bed.
"Morning." I told her.
"What happened? Why am I here?" She asked.
"You were asleep as soon as you got in my car and I was tired and did not want to drive back to your place so I asked your dad if you could stay here and he gave me the okay as long as I respected you. So I gave you my bed and I slept on the couch. I have to bring you back by noon. I looked at the clock and it was 10: 30. We both decided to head home.
We arrived at Anni's house  at 11:05.
(Joel's POV)
I saw Britt and Anni coming up to the door so I open the door and gave my daughter a hug and shook Britt's hand.
I welcomed them in and I could tell that Anni was happy.
I asked Britt to follow me to where Luke was also.
"How did it go?" Luke asked.
"We had a lot of fun! The artist were awesome! I did not know that your daughter was such a good dancer. At the end after the meet and greet I was tired and Anni was sleep so I knew I should not drive to I asked Mr. Joel if I could bring her daughter to my house. When he approved I drove home, out put her in my bed and I slept on the couch. I promised. Would you like this back?" He asked as he tried to hand the bracelet back.
"Keep it as a reminder.Britt I want to thank you for treating my daughter well. I will be asking her. If you have no objections??" I asked.
"No sir!" He replied.
A few minutes later Britt had to leave so Anniah, Luke, Moriah and I all sat and I asked,
"How was the date?" I asked.
"I was AWSOME! Britt took me to a nice restaurant and the food came fast so we got to the concert slightly earlier. I sang and danced like crazy. Jason Grey had a great message! Then we met them which was awesome, I think Jason may be as tall as Luke dad! Then when I got to Britt's car I fell asleep. When I woke up I was in a bed and Britt was still asleep on the couch. He woke up while I was making his bed then we came here." I told him.
"So he respected you?"
"Uncle Luke! He was very respectful and he was a gentleman!" I told Luke.
Both me and Luke looked at each other and we both were happy to hear that.
Suddenly I saw my daughters poster go from relaxed to excited.
"What honey?" I asked.
"Dad! I got saved last night!"
I suddenly cried.
"Anniah! That's AWSOME! Let's pray and thank God for my daughter who was lost is now found!" Dad told me but before we did Dad go up and literally ran around the house up and down the stairs calling for everyone to come down.
"Everyone! My daughter has been saved! In to Gods family! She accepted him last night!" Joel exclaimed.
To me it was a big deal but I guess through all I have been going through my dad is just really excited.
A cheer came from the house and I was getting hugged by everyone, Luke's family, my grandparents and mom and dad.
Then we made a circle and each person prayed and my dad ended.
Today I am found!

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