Stand up! Stand out!

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Sorry it's been a bit but I've been a bit busy but hope you enjoy!

(Anniahs POV)
Three days after the concert that we put on for stopping bulling went well. I noticed that the bullies were being nice and Neiah was happy and we are great friends. Kaylee and I were walking when we saw two kids that were not at the concert picking on Neiah. We both ran up to them.
"Get off her!" I yelled.
"Leave her alone!" Kaylee called.
We each pulled the kids off Neiah and Neiah sank to the floor in tears.
"What do you think you guys are doing!"
"She should not be here. She is different!" One boy said.
"Does it matter! If she is black? Are you not white but don't we both have red Blood? A heart that beats? Arms, legs, feet? A BRAIN! Do you not see that this girl, who happens to be  one of my best friend is having enough of a hard time just being here? She does not need you making it harder!" I yelled at the boys, they kind of shrank in the body.
"Guys, this is not what we should do. We need to love our family, friends and enemies." Kaylee then told the boy. A teacher saw the commotion and came over.
"Problem?" She asked.
"They were bulling Neiah." I told her.
"Boys come with me." The teacher escorted them to the principal where they received dentition for two hours after school.
Me and Kaylee went to comfort Neiah. The principal allowed her to go home early since Neiah was so upset.
The rest of the day we saw a few others being bullied by we also saw other kids stand up for them and they stood out.
Three days later while I was at home I received a scary text from Neiah.. as soon as I saw it I ran to my dad and my family took off in the car.

Sorry.. hope you like it so far! What do you think happened??

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