Down hill

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Get ready! This may be scary! Sorry I just had this idea and decided to do this! Tell me what you think!!! Please!!!
Luke, Joel, mike from Tenth Avenue North, Lecrae, and Jason Grey were hanging out at a concert venue. Everyone except For King and Country had played. Normally that's how it goes since that they have the craziest shows...

(Luke's POV)
Things were going well till about a week ago, I had noticed that I was getting more tired and slept longer. I soon found myself not very hungry and every so often I would get a little dizzy. I thought nothing of it cause it stoped about 4 days ago. This morning I ended up having to grab a chair to keep my balance as a dizzy spell hit. My knees felt week and I was not feeling very well. I almost cancelled going to the concert but I felt like I would let the band down. A hour before the show I found myself puking. I must have gotten sick at least 4 times in 2 hours. It was 20 minutes before I had to preform I was about to tell Joel that I just was not feeling good enough to preform when I was told that I had to help set up.
I ignored my feelings and helped the band.
During the entire show I constantly felt like I was going to puke, I think I may have a little but I managed to hide it.
Right as we bowed at the end a dizzy spell hit me. I gripped Joel and another bandmate harder as I tried to keep from falling.
(Joel's POV)
We had just finished our last song and we want to bow and during the bow I felt Luke hold me tighter as if he was about to fall. I glanced his way to see his eyes closed. I looked at the other band member to see that he was holding Luke too. Me and the other band member put Luke's arms around our shoulder and helped him walk since something was not right. It looked like not many audience members noticed.
As soon as I got backstage with Luke I took him to our dressing room and laid him on our couch with the help of Duke.
"Luke! You okay? What happened mate?" I asked my groggy brother.
"Dizzy, Jo.. Joel I don't feel well! Have to get the kids from school." Luke suddenly tried to get up and I had to hold him down.
"Luke! Listen to me! Something is not right, it's 10 pm, the kids are asleep, Luke I think your sick." I told him I had not noticed that Duke and slipped out of the room and notified the Paramedics till they had arrived.
"What's wrong?" A medic asked.
"I'm not sure, one second he's fine the next he's about to pass out on stage." Joel told them as he watched the medics put a heart monitor and oxygen mask on Luke.
"His stomach is tender, heart rate is high, he might code." I hear a medic say then suddenly Luke went limp and his heart stoped.

"V-Fib!! Charge to 240!, Clear... alright we got him back! We need to move now!" Yelled a medic as he helped his partner transfer unconscious Luke to a gurney and they raced out the door to the Ambulance.
I sat there in shock then I got up and raced after them. Pushing past Mike, Jason and Lecrae.I hoped in my car and followed the ambulance to the hospital and I called Moriah and Courtney and told them to meet us there.

Sorry I know you probably hate me right now but I promise something good will happen! Give feedback! Please!

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