Another fucking delivery&Heading to Dodge

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We went downstairs this time I had on pants and a t-shirt.Leah jumped on my back I shook my head at my sisters hyperness.
"Why are you so fucking hyper?"
"1 I found my mate in a sexy yet freak vamp 2 I love my twin sister 3 I can and finally because Alice is pregnant"I froze at that then smiled.
"I thought we weren't telling anyone babe."The pixie pouted I wanted to wrap her up in a blanket then put her in my pocket but I guess my mates heard my thoughts because that instantly cut my mind.
"I couldn't hold it pixie plus BB is my twin she would've sensed it or heard my thoughts."
"Welcome to the family once again pixie."I picked up Alice who squealed hugging me back.I placed her on her feet.

"My little sister is preg-"
"Can we start the meeting now?"
"Yeah go ahead my bad."We sat down in the chairs.
"Okay we all know about the at-"I heard something Tam looked at me.I looked at her then Izzy. Tam shifted first  I shifted second.
"No one shift they got this." We were at the door when Alice said.
"Its a newborn army careful."I nodded I could feel the worry in my mating bond.I sighed before going out wit Tam.
"YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE US MUTTS YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT WERE CAPBLE OF GET THEM!!!!!!!"That's all I had to hear the newborn were fast but not fast enough the first two came to me smirking I ripped there arms out then there heads.A newborn punched me from behind sending me through the house in front the packs.
"Your going to fucking regret that."The leech came through the house I grabbed its neck throwing it out then running to help Tam.I kicked the the newborns away.I think that I got some burns and scratches but as long as my family was alright I don't care. I saw there leader I yanked them from behind taking off the head arms legs.The leader screamed as I procceded.I could smell another from a a distance I tossed the leader to Tam as she finished the rest of them so I could chase the leech.The leech was caught off guard she tried to run but I grabbed her by her throat slamming her to the ground.I dragged the leech to the house as Tam carried the leader body through the house. I shifted back the leech tried to get away and slammed her against the floor.
"YES H-"I ripped the girls head off
"Burn there bodies now!!!"The packs ran out with torches flames grabbing everybody there was burning them I made sure they didn't miss a think.Coming back to the house I was walking to the stage when I collapsed. Everybody ran up to me. I swallowed.
"Are you okay?"I chuckled swallowing
"Y-Yeah perfect." Kate lifted my shirt I heard a gasp.
"Bre baby."I could feel my eyes closing.
"I-I love you." Was the last words I said before everything went black.When I mean black there wasn't anything in a dream nothing except pain.I fought with myself trying to open my eyes nothing else.I could hear people but I couldn't do a thing.
"Go guys need sleep."
"NO!!!"I smiled but knew they couldn't see my mates were protective god I love them they were mine and I was there's.
"She wouldn't want you like this."
"Izzy no she protected us we can't leave not now not ever."I didn't want then to see me like this I also saw were they were coming from but I wanted them to be safe healthy for the babies.
"Its been a month guys you need to get some rest take a bath eat I'll tell you when or if she even moves a muscle." Kate sighed I knew that sigh from anywhere.I didn't care about how long its been all I can about is seeing them again seeing there beautiful faces again.
"Fine but you better call or I'll kill you."
"I promise now go."
"We love you Bre always will no matter what."I could feel there lips against mine individually I could hear the heart monitor spending up.
"Look her heart rates climbing!!!"
"Mates duh go get some rest."
"Okay okay were going."I heard the door closing then a sigh that belonged to the one and only Izzy.Izzy grabbed my hand I knew it was I felt tears land on my hand.
"God I miss you Bre the way you joke around the way you protect what's yours your smile the way you love to tease everyone you should see Sapphire and Ethan there only 5 months now but there big you can tell they miss there dad every time they come here they cuddle to you they wine Bre they wine for you Vanessa is a deck so is Kayla they don't know what to do they love you hell we all do but those girls they love you they cry to death every time they see you don't get me started on Tam I know you hardly know her but she loves you she thinks this is her fault but I tell her its not even your mates I'll get to them later but your parents sister they scared that there going to lose there sister daughter granddaughter Tam says your suppose to be out the coma already some people are losing faith that your already dead but that's no the case the case is your still alive I know I can feel it now to your mates you really need to take to them they only leave when we force them they aren't happy that you risk your life to save everyone there happy that you wanted to protect your family they hate seeing you like this I can't stand seeing them like this Bre if you hear any of this please fight for your kids your family and most of all survival."I wanted to scream I am fighting the best of my ability to be truthful I wasn't going to give up on them or anybody I wanted to see everybody everything.I felt Izzy kiss my forehead then removed them.All of a sudden I could hear the door barge open.
"ESME IS DELIVERLING NOW COME ON!!!!!"I felt Izzy hand being ripped from my hand another kiss on my forehead.
"I wish you were to see it Bre fight I got to go but whenever you wake up you'll have a beautiful creation waiting for you."I heard the door slam.I don't know how long it was but I heard screaming my eyes snapped opened I was blindined by the light at first I regain control of my body.I yanked the wires off my body and grabbed the crutches knowing I wasn't walking right. I kept my head down following the voice of a baby Cry's it got quiet.
"Its a girl."I heard cheers."Let me tie these cords"I heard a sigh I opened the door to the room all eyes on me. I kept my head down.
"Excuse me this is private you need to leave."Kate said I wanted to hug her. I didn't have to look up to know that voice so I didn't.
"Didn't know it was private to see my daughter." I looked up I saw all different emotions on there faces.
"BABY!!!!!"my mates ran to me I cluntched them tight against me the best I could without hurt the unborn kids.They kissed me all over my face.

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