Kate Denali and Pain

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" Your really not what I expected" I frowned

"Who are you and where the fuck am I?!?"

"Fiesty I like it that will come in handy when your satisfying me."

"Lady your crazy I'm not satisfying you."

" Bre you see you will because thats what mates do."

" I already have a mate crazy!!!" The mystery lady put her hand on my chest I calmed down completely

" You me Rose are going to have a good time."

" Who or what are you?"

" Kate Denali and I'm just like Rose except I'm older."

" If you know what you are to then why now and why did I feel so much pain?" I took a step foward she took a step back

" I dont know about the pain but I was told to wait until you and Rose got a better bond."

" I dont think your telling me the truth Katie."

" I-I am" I got in her face bending down

" N-" Her lips cut me off

" Stop talking." Kate raised my shirt thats when everything went back to the real world I gasped for a breathe

" SHE'S UP SHE'S UP!!!!!" I keep gasping

" Bre honey relax relax."

' You have to bite Rose Bre'

' No'


" R-Rose"

" I'm right here"

" I-Im so sorry b-but I-I have to do this."

" Do what?" I bite her neck I pushed off after a second I notice I was glowing floating.

" What the fuck?!?" I collapsed on the couch. I closed my eyes the pain was slowly leaving thank god for that. I stood up I felt taller

" Is it just me or did I grow?"

" No y-you did." I smiled I pulled Rose to me

" Why are you so happy?"

" I can't be happy?"

" Yeah but-" I put a finger over

" Ssssh enjoy it" I walked in the kitchen to get a bottle whistling all the way

" Whats wrong with her?" I heard I walked back into the living room

" Nothings wrong why would anything be wrong?"

' I'm getting closer' Bella popped out

" So you figured it out huh?" I nodded

" People lost here."

" I'm not a normal lycan I'm much much powerful I'm like the great great great granddaughter of the very first lycan."

" Meaning?" Bella opened the door " What are you guys doing here?"

" I'm here for you two they just followed me."

" Why?"

" Because she's our mate" I whispered

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