Delivered and Bonds Pt.2

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Angel P.O.V

" Go after her." Mrs.Peterson whispered in my ear

" You sure?"

" Go make it complete." I nodded before running after Brittiany.

" Buggy wait!" I yelled she stopped and turned around

" Wh-" I cut her off by smashing my lips with hers. I pulled back looking for something in her now violet eyes.

" I love you buggy always will." I was going to walk away but Brittiany pulled me pack

" Why did you do that?"

" I made it complete." Brittiany hugged me

" WHAT THE HELL?!?!" Kayla yell we turned around to see everybody staring at us

" I-Damnit." Brittiany mumbled under her breath


" I didn't do anything wrong." Brittiany said

" YOU FUCKING KISSED HER!!!" Kayla yelled

" Shut up." Brittiany said

" WHY SO YO-" Brittiany cut her off

" I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!" Brittiany yelled I felt myself being pushed away into Jays arms. My eyes went wide as I saw Brittiany eyes glowing white claws down.

" Relax my dear child relax." A lady whispered laying a hand on Brittiany's shoulder. Brittiany immediately relax then she bowed.

" Forgive me." The lady chuckled

" You are forgiven child now rise." Brittiany rised then smiled

Brittiany P.O.V

" You've to learn how to control your power dear." I nodded

" I'm sorry that I've disappointed you." I lowered my head

" I'm not disappointed dear it is normal."

" WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!?!" Kayla yelled

" I'm Isabella I'm Brittiany's angel."

" Can I go now?"

" No I'm a afraid not look at your arms." I gasped when I saw my marks were gone

" What happened?"

" I'm afraid that they all started to hate you that your mating bond was broken."

" What about my kids?" I pleaded with her with my eyes

" Vanessa is the only one." I felt tears fall

" Why is she able to carry my seed if she's not my mate?"

" She has faith in you plus she trust you." I nodded

" What about Jayla's and Angel?"

" Since Angel completed the bond it's going to get more intense."

" So wait what about Brittiany and me?"

" In the future I see you guys as friends in the future nothing more."

" Oh." I bowed my head in disappointment

" It's time for a delivery." With that she disappeared

" Aaaahhhh!!!" Vanessa screamed.

Vanessa P.O.V

I felt my stomach kick me hard. I winced

" Oww!!" I screamed then I felt my water brake

" MY WATER JUST FUCKING BROKE!!!!" I screamed shutting my eyes I then felt myself being lift.

" Aaaaaaaaahhhhh shit!!!!" I screamed

" Um how can I help you?"

" You bitch you did this to me!!!" I hiss

" She's in labor."

" I'm going to kill you once I'm done."

" How far are the contractions?"

" How the fuck am I suppose to know shit it hurts?!?!?!" I hiss closing my eyes tight again

" I'm Doctor-" I cut him off

" Don't care get this fucking baby out of me!!!" I growl out

" Vanessa-" I cut her off


" Alright now are you doing natural or drugs?"

" Drugs." I yell

" No natural." I pull Brittiany down towards me

" I'm getting drugs and your not going to say anything about it got it?" I snapped

" I got I got it." The doctor handed me some drug I felt numb as I drunk it

" Now push Vanessa." I pushed

" Again." I pushed again

" Baby push again." I squeeze Brittiany's hand

" T-To tight Nessa." I pushed again without letting go of Brittiany's hand

" Push I can see the head." Brittiany some how got out my grip. I push again

" Again Ness." I pushed again then everything went silent

" It's a healthy baby boy." I screamed as a pain hit my side

" SHIT!!" I yell

" We have another one I need you to push." I push

" I'll be back"

Brittiany P.O.V

I slipped out the room our family was in the waiting room. I sigh

" So...." I sigh again

" Were on round 2 eight now."

" That's good."

" Yeah you guys can go in if you want." I sat down beside Mrs.Peterson

Vanessa's P.O.V

I pushed again as Kayla Julie her mother and father entered the room

" Push." I pushed Dad gave me his hand which I immediately squeeze

" Give it another push baby girl." Dad said wiping my face I nodded pushing again.

" Push." I pushed as Brittiany walked back in she passed out. Everything went silent.

" It's a healthy baby girl." I sighed in relief

" Someone fan her and give her some water." The doctor said as I let sleep cover me.

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