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"The time is near," said the mad voice of Morgana. "Merlin is coming, Sire." She turned from the moonlight. Caerleon stood watching her.

"Good, let him come. It will be the death of him," he smirked as he watched her step forward.

"He isn't coming to fight; though, he brings weapons," she laughs, "for protection."

"I wouldn't underestimate him, Morgana. As I said before, he was one of my most skilled knights, and his magic is more powerful than yours. Though when the time comes, we will be ready for him," said my former king.

"You praise him, yet you wish him dead," she replied confused.

"I will always respect him as a warrior, but never as a traitor to me," he explained, "he will die before he can ever steps foot in Camelot again. That, m'lady, is a promise."

"Spare the details for when he arrives. I wish to participate in his death," Morgana said, "you aren't the only one he's betrayed."

"Of course," he smiled at her, "and with Myrddins death, your half-brother won't have it in him to fight. He couldn't even avenge his own father."

"Sad, isn't it?" She laughed.

"Indeed," Caerleon smirked.

"Myrddin," I jumped up surprised. Morgana's laughter still rang in my ears. I looked to my name caller. One figure had been kneeling next to me, and another racing towards us. Elizabeth was next to me. Leon was above us.

"What the bloody hell are you two doing here?" I exclaimed as I stood from my spot on the ground. Elizabeth stood up and looked to Leon. Leon looked to me.

"Us? What are you doing out here?" Leon asked.

"I asked first," I replied.

"We were just walking, and then, we heard you," Leon explained.

"What are you doing in the woods together?" I questioned them suspiciously.

"Well... we-we were... um," Elizabeth stammered.

"Just talking," Leon replied.

"About?" I asked.

"Just some things," Leon took a breath, "The real question is what are you doing out here alone?"

"That isn't any of your business," I told him.

"Were you leaving?" Elizabeth asked me.

"No," I said. They looked at me like they knew I wasn't telling the truth. "Well, just for a temporary trip. I would have been back before you knew I was gone."

"I hardly doubt that," Elizabeth scoffed. She was upset I wasn't telling her anything. We used to tell each other everything, especially the truth.

"I must go," I replied.

"Go where?" Leon piped in. I stayed silent. "Well, if it's far, I'm going with you."

"No, you aren't," I stated.

"Arthur wouldn't forgive me if I let you leave without permission and something happened to you," Leon explained.

"Then don't tell him!" I yelled, "and who said something was going to happen to me?"

"I'm going with you," Leon restated.

"I am too," Elizabeth chimed in.

"No, you aren't," I told her, "and neither are you!" I turned to Leon.

"Why not?" Leon questioned.

"Because this isn't about either of you!" I yelled as I grabbed my things.

"You're going to confront your fears again, aren't you?" Leon asked, then he saw my sword.

"You fears?" Elizabeth asked.

"They aren't fears," I argued.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Nightmares then," Leon corrected. "And what do you think you're planning to do?" He asked gesturing to the cloaked sword in my hand.

"I'm not planning to kill anyone if that's what you think!" I raged.

"Honestly, I don't know what to think anymore!" Leon replied.

"Stop fighting!" Elizabeth jumped in between us before turning to me, "what nightmares is he talking about?"

"They're nothing. Just silly dreams," I explained.

"You mean memories that cause you to go into a coma for weeks," Leon corrected, "besides, aren't those 'silly dreams' the ones who brought you to Elizabeth and her mother in the first place?"

"What?" She asked. "Really?"

"They're just silly dreams that like to mess with my head, all right? Are we done here?" I asked turning away from them to head on my long journey.

"No, we aren't!" Elizabeth jumped in front of me. "Why are you having these nightmares, and why do you think facing them are going to stop them?"

"I've been spelled to have these nightmares and facing them helps me cope with it," I explained.

"How?" She asked.

"I stopped having dreams about you, mama, and papa," I told her.

"You did?" Leon asked. I nodded.

"Then, what is it now? Where are these nightmares taking you?" Elizabeth asked.

"Same place, only it's not the village that I'm going to," I told them.

"You're going back to Caerleon?" Leon asked stepping forward.

"I have unfinished business there," I explained, "I have to go."

"King Caerleon wants you dead! It's a big risk to go back," Leon claimed.

"Believe me I know," I stated remembering my vision of Morgana and the king. "But I have to face my past. There's too many things that's been left unsaid and untouched. Too many blank spaces that I forced myself to forget."

"I'm going with you, and that's final," Leon exclaimed.

"And so am I, and don't tell me no. You know I won't listen," Elizabeth replied. I thought about it quickly. I can't stop her from coming with even using magic. We share the same magic. I can't use my magic on her.

"Fine," I huffed, "Leon you have you're sword, but Elizabeth, you'll need something."

"Like what?" She asked. I thought about what we've got. My hand landed to my pouch that held my daggers. I hesitated before taking my daggers off my pants and opened the pouch. I pulled out one medium sized dagger and handed it to her. The handle had a golden design to it. I kind of felt embarrassed pulling it out. No servant should have such things. Elizabeth looked at it with wonders. Leon stared at it confused. "Where did you get this?"

"Unimportant right now. This will protect you if we're attacked," I explained to her.

"Thank you, Myrddin," She smiled to me.

"Lets get going shall we?" I asked as we started heading towards Caerleon. As we began walking, I tried not to think about what was going to happen when we step into Caerleons borders. He said they'll be waiting for me. I won't make it back to Camelot this time he said. Maybe it was a mistake to bring Leon and Elizabeth with, but I couldn't stop them from following me. I had no choice, but I had a feeling I was going to regret this decision. Maybe it's my paranoia that's making me feel this way, or maybe my magic is warning me about the dangers that lie ahead of this journey.

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