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I had no idea what I was going to do now that Eve was gone. I had burned Eve into ashes. Some of the neighbors had come out to help me out. They felt bad for me and I knew it, but I didn't like it. The looks they gave made me feel worst and it meant that I truly did loose everything I've ever care for. I couldn't go back into that house. It reminded me too much of Eve. So I took the clothes that Eve made for me and traveled to a new home in the streets. I found the abandoned building that everyone was afraid to go in. They all believed it was haunted, but I knew it wasn't really.

I went in and found an area to sleep. With nothing, but clothes and my cloak, it wasn't very comfortable. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had to be strong. I can't let anything break me. I won't let anyone break me. Not anymore. My walls were built this night. They were as broken as this building was, but they were sturdy. Nothing was going to break me. I'll be invisible. I make my own rules now.

"Merlin?" I turned my head to meet Leon's bright blue eyes.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"You were dazing." He stated.

"I was?"

"Yeah," he exclaimed.

"I'm sorry. I didn't know." He shook my head.

"You were also humming," he told me. "I didn't know you could sing."

"I can't. I don't sing. Not for anyone or anything." I stated.

"Must have been thinking about something deep then," he looked back in front of him. "Because it almost sounded like a lullaby."

"A lullaby? I don't know what you're talking about." I can't believe how obvious I am.

"Well, it just sounded like it." He drifted off. I sighed and looked around. This was familiar.

"This way." I said heading north.

"Merlin, where are you going?" Leon asked.

"I'm heading this way."

"But that's Caerleon's kingdom."

"Yes, but I'm going home."

"I know, but Ealdor is the other way in Essetir. Not in Caerleon." He stated pointing south.

"I know that Leon!" I snapped. He was confused. I'm done playing games. If he's coming along, he might as well know a little bit of my past. Maybe it's the lack of sleep that's making me feel this way or the fact that I can't go anywhere without Leon and I need to get my childhood friend out of a dangerous village, but I just can't not tell him where I'm going.

"I don't understand. I thought you said Ealdor was your home. You said you were born and raised there." He stated confused.

"Well, I lied." Leon was surprised by my statement. I don't know if he was more surprised about me lying or that I actually opened up to him.

"What are you saying?" He asked, eyebrows knitted together.

"I'm saying that I lied. I'm not from Ealdor and my 'mother' isn't my mother. She just said she would take care of me when she found me in the woods. I was born in a small village in Caerleon. I had to flee my village because the villagers had killed my parents and tried to kill me as well," I finally said. Leon was shocked. "You can't tell anyone, Leon."

"But you lied."

"To protect all of you from the truth." I said.

"To protect us or protect you?" He asked upset.

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