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I followed the prince and knights through the forest. I knew something was wrong the moment we started this quest. Maybe it was from Morgana running out to warn Arthur, or maybe my instincts were kicking in again. Gaius said one bite, you die. There was no cure. I was worried something would happen. Arthur found huge paw prints.

"Let's follow the trail," he announced. Soon enough, we heard growling and heavy footfalls. "Keep close." Arthur said. We entered what must have been the beasts lair. We split up to look for the beast. We looked until we heard a hissing sound.

"What is it?" I asked, but Arthur shushed me. We heard the questing beast, and Arthur pushed me out of the way. He starts to take on the beast. It clawed Arthur in the chest, and he falls to the ground unconscious. The beast began to move in on Arthur, but I stood behind him and waved my torch and yelled, trying to get his attention. I saw Arthur's sword on the ground and magically levitated it. I muttered a spell and throw it at the Questing Beast. It was dead the moment the sword pierced it. I ran to Arthur's side and shook him.

"It didn't bite you. It didn't," I said. I pulled my hand away after feeling a warm liquid. It was Arthur's blood. "Arthur? Somebody help me!" I yelled.

"What's happened?" Gaius asked looking at Arthur. "He's been bitten."

"I tried to save him," I told him.

"You must tell the king," Gaius instructed me.

"There must be something you can do."

"I wish there was."

"I'll find a cure," I said. Gaius yelled at me, but I said, "Trust me!" I bolted into my room and found my magic book that Gaius gave to me. "Here." I said bringing out the book.

"The King'll be here any moment!" Gaius yelled at me.

"He can't die. It is my destiny to protect him. We haven't done all the things we're meant to do." I told him.

"That is a lament of all men." Gaius spoke with his old wisdom again.

"Gaius, he's my friend."

"Then save him."

I used my magic to flip through the book. I used many spells, but nothing seemed to work.

"Maybe the spells need time to take effect." I suggested.

"The bite of the Questing Beast is a death sentence that no magic can overturn," Gaius replied.

"Where is the Prince?! Where is my son?!" Uther yell came storming into the room as he walked in. "Arthur!" I quickly closed my book with my magic. The king begged for Gaius to do something. I told him he will try to do everything he can. The king picks up Arthur and said he will beat him to his chambers.

"I have failed Arthur, failed in my destiny," I told the dragon in his cave.

"And yet, you would not be here if that were true."

"He was bitten by the Questing Beast. He's going to die."

"Does he still breathe?"

"Only just."

"Then there is still time to heal him."

"I've tried. I cannot save him," I yelled to him.

"You do not know how to save him."

"But you can tell me how?"

"Perhaps. It will not be easy," Kilgharrah explained.

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