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She smiled at me from across the room. I smiled back. Music filled the room as men and women danced. The king danced with his queen. Smiles filled the room as an aroma of happiness filled everyone. It was the kings birthday today. I remember celebrating it with Elizabeth in our village years ago. I loved to hear the music and dance with Elizabeth, but that life was gone now. There was no looking back.

I've spent almost a year here in the castle. My training started a week after I healed. Now I fight along side my king. I still have yet to fight in a battle and I can't wait.

A slap on my shoulder caused me to jump in shock until I looked up and saw Sir Philip at my side. His red hair was a mop on his head, but he didn't seem to mind like always. His blue eyes sparkled with joy as he gaped at the dancing crowd. His dimples were deep holes in his cheeks as he smiled his famous smile. I have known him ever since I started training with Sir James, the bastard who whipped me months before. Philip was my age and he might just be my best friend here, besides Aetheria, but that may be another story there.

"You enjoying yourself my friend?" Philip laughed.

"I've never seen anything like it." I gawked causing Philip to laugh.

"You'll get used to it," I glared at him.

"And how many of these have you been to?" I asked him.

"Two to three. My father is a knight here. I was invited to get used to these things for the day I became a knight." He smiled proudly.

"And now that you're a knight, you're used to it?" I asked. He gave me a look.

"Maybe not fully," He admitted causing me to chuckle at him. "Don't laugh." I stopped and looked down. When I looked up, Aetheria was looking at me as she made her way to the dance floor. She smiled her bright smile at me and began dancing with some of her lady friends. "Why don't you stop staring and go ask her to dance?" Philip laughed at me. I glared at him.

"Someone like me could never be good enough for a princess." I stated as I glanced back at the dancing people.

"You never know unless you try," Philip said as he began to walk away, "besides, it looks like she might fancy you." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes at his advice. There was no way a princess like her would like me that way. She must be betrothed to someone somewhere. It would be wrong for us to be together. I'm a knight in training and she's a queen in training. It would never work.

Elizabeth stood at the garden behind the Pendragon castle staring out at the lake. The wind blew the tall grasses down towards the ground. Elizabeth stood still in a new light blue dress. The wind blew at her, but she stood still like a statue. She was something else. She's always loved the outdoors. She loved the way the rain fell on her, the way the wind blew through her dark brown hair, the way the sun hit her face. She was with nature itself. Part of me loves her for it.

I walked up to her slowly. I stared at the water below as I stood next to her. She looked at me and I looked at her.

"I'm sorry I ran out like that. I just wasn't myself at the moment." I explained to her with a deep breath at the end.

"Myrddin, you don't need to apologize. I know you all too well to know when you need your space." She grabbed my hand. I smiled at her gently.

"The thing is I'm not the same person I was when we were children. I've been through a lot and I'm still trying to figure out what's happening." I told her. She looked into my eyes.

"I knew something was different the moment I looked into your eyes in the village. Whatever you're going through just know that I'll be here for you no matter what. I don't care what you've done or what happened in your past. All I care about is right now." She said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. I looked down.

"Thank you," I muttered.

"Now, I think you should go talk that prince of yours. He seemed quite upset earlier." She said.

"How do you know he-" I began, but got interrupted.

"Because Leon explained to me what's been going on in Camelot while you were sleeping in the woods." She explained.

"Oh," I nodded. "And where did the dress-"

"They let me go through Morgana's old wardrobe." She explained.

"I've never seen her wear that dress." I said confused.

"Maybe she didn't like it that much," She shrugged. "Now go talk to Arthur." She shoved me towards the castle. I hugged her first.

"It's good to have you back, Ellie." I stated before pulling away and running up to the castle to find Arthur. That wasn't going to be hard as it looked like he was also looking for me.


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