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I stared up at the three men above me. How did they find me? The middle knight bent down and grabbed my arm. There was no way I was going to get out of this one.

"Let's go you." Said the man as he pulled me to my feet. We headed out of the building I used to live in and into the street. Barely anyone was awake. I saw the blacksmith, the baker, and a few farmers as we walked towards the castle. No one payed attention to the little boy getting arrested. They were probably relieved they wouldn't have to deal with me anymore. 'What's going to happen to me?' I wondered as we walked through the palace gates.

I know I shouldn't feel any positive emotions when being arrested, but I was amazed by the castle that stood in front of me. First I saw the stone walls that was illuminated by the raising sun. It was a grand castle. I actually wanted to see what was on the inside. I was excited to go inside even if I was going to the dungeons. I was probably even going to die, but I wanted to see more of the castle. It amazed me. As we walked in, I found myself being guided through a maze of corridors. Then we stopped outside a door. The first thing that came to mind was the dungeon door, but when the door opened, we were let into a larger room. I saw a man sitting at a throne with a bunch of royal like clothing. He must be the king. Next to him sat a beautiful woman wearing a stunning dress. She must be the queen. Both wore crowns on their heads. There was another throne. This throne was smaller, but it was empty. I wondered who sat there.

"So this is the little Myrddin I've heard so much about?" Said the king from his throne. "You've been a big problem for my knights here."

"I apologize Sire, but I only stole what I needed and couldn't afford. I would be starving if I didn't steal." I explained to him.

"I understand, but stealing is wrong and it isn't tolerated in my kingdom," the king roared, "but since you conceal such a gift, I will make a deal with you. My wife and I will take you in, so you can have all the food and toys you'd like. Would that be nice?"

"Yes, Sire." I said.

"But there is one condition. You will learn to fight like a warrior. You will join my army and stand by my side. Do I make myself clear?" I nodded my head fiercely. From the corner of my eyes, I saw some knights looking down with anger. They didn't like this one bit. "First, we have some business to take care of. Even though I'm letting you off easy, I must punish you for your crimes." I looked up afraid of what the punishment would be. "Ten lashes. Five for stealing, five for resisting arrest." He roared. He nodded to the knight holding my arm. I was pulled away towards the big doors. I saw the knights looking up with thrill. They would actually like to see a little boy hurt. Lovely. "Before you go," the king began making my steps slow down to a stop, "I'd like to say happy birthday, Myrddin." He nodded at me. He looked me in the eyes and I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew this wasn't a good idea from the look he was giving me. I couldn't describe it. I was pulled away from my thoughts as we head towards the doors.

Today was my tenth birthday. As a present, I was to be flogged ten times! Happy birthday to me. I was lead to the square outsid where we walked before entering the castle.

My shirt was pulled off me by someone. They set up a pole and tied my hands around it. I heard the sound of the whip as a knight practiced its power. I guess the special knight that was going to do this to me was going to enjoy himself. I turned my head back as far as I could and saw the knight who was mainly the one chasing me in the city. He held a black whip in his hands as an ugly smirk filled his face. I turned away and closed my eyes. Silence was all I heard as villagers filled the square to watch. Time froze still and all I heard was my shaky breathing. A child screamed. It took me a while to realize that I was the one who screamed as the first lash hit my back. My back burned like fire. The second lash hit before I knew it. I gasped for air. I've never felt this kind of pain before. Not even when I was beaten in my old village. The third hit. Tears streamed down my face with the pain. I heard the thumping of my heart as my back bled. Fourth hit. I had to remind myself in the short period of time that I couldn't show them fear. I bit my tongue as the fifth hit. No more tears, Myrddin. No more. Stay strong. Sixth hit. I couldn't breathe. The pain was just too much, but I would not scream out of pain or fear. Seventh hit. I looked down not letting anyone see my face as I let out a silent scream. Eighth hit came and I began to feel dizzy. Nine lashes so far and I began to feel numb. The tenth hit came. The final flog had come at last. I was in pain, but at the same time, I felt nothing. My back burned, but I couldn't feel it anymore. Then, what took me by surprise was another lash and another following it. One more and I saw black dots in my vision. No more after that. I turned to see someone ripping the whip out of the mans hand. I felt sick to my stomach. My hands were untied. I felt nothing. Someone took me in their arms and carried me out of the square. Darkness consumed me, and then there was light.

I was laying with my stomach on a table as I saw two figures running around. I screamed as I felt the burning in my back. I tried to move, but a hand or two held me down. They muttered something. 'Don't move' I believe. Once again, I felt nothing. No pain as they tried to fix my back. I just laid there not moving a muscle with no pain.

"Merlin!" I woke up with a jolt. "Merlin, wake up!" I grabbed their arm as they shook me. I looked up to find Leon looking around the area. Elizabeth and her mother were already awake and packing everything up in a haste. I sat up and looked at Leon. "We're being watched." He muttered. I quickly stood up, but leaned against a tree as I saw stars in my vision. "Merlin."

"I'm fine." I shook off the dizziness and helped to pack up. I helped Elizabeth onto my horse as her mother got on Leon's. I grabbed the extra sword from the horses side. Leon grabbed his sword. I looked up to Elizabeth as she looked into my eyes.

"Merlin, no." She warned.

"We'll be right behind you. Camelot isn't that far away now." I reassured her. She grabbed my hand.

"Please, be careful." I nodded and they began to run off towards Camelot. The horses whining sounds caused our attack. Shouts were heard all around us.

"How strong is your magic?" Leon asked me. I felt the power flow through me and soon enough most of the knights were on the ground. "That will work." Leon laughed. The battle began. Leon was handling six men at once as I handled ten. More were still coming though. Leon quickly beat the six, but was soon accompanied by five more. I slashed at two men and shielded another. I took out three and soon the ten I was fighting were on the ground, but each time one man goes down, another replaces him. I stabbed one and dodged one hit. I blocked some swords as I looked over to Leon. He began to win his fight just as I was, but more men were coming in.

"Leon, run!" He looked at me as he stabbed one man. He nodded and began running with me at his tail. Some men were catching up and I stopped to fight them off. Leon stopped and turned to me. "Keep running! Get to Camelot!" I yelled at him.

"But what about you?" He yelled ready to join the fight, but I was finishing off a few men.

"I'm right behind you!" I yelled at him. He hesitated to turn and run again until he was out of sight. I slashed the last man and ran towards Camelot. Out of no where, a large man tripped me. I fell to the ground and groaned. I looked up to meet his eyes. Dark brown eyes met mine. His large scar still visible on his right cheek from when I slashed him years ago.

"Hello, Myrddin." He smirked at me. He gripped his sword with a wild look in his eyes. He's always hated me for some reason.

"Sir James," I stated with a smirk on my face, "Lovely to see you again. How's your face?" He gripped his sword more in anger. He raised his sword ready to strike me, but I rolled out of the way. I kicked his knee and he fell forward. I stood up as he stood. We stood in a stance before he made the first move. I blocked him. The other knights ran over.

"Don't! He's mine!" James yelled in anger and determination. I maneuvered his swings each time he swung. I tried to make a move, but he blocked me. "I taught you everything you know!" He yelled making me snicker.

"Please! The king taught me everything I know," I answered him. "I only trained with you! But there are a few things you can't learn in Caerleon." I stated as I made a move. Soon enough, James' sword was in my hands and he was on the ground.

"I should have continued whipping you until you couldn't breathe!" I winced at that. I threw the sword towards his head. He ducked, but the sword landed behind him.

"Next time, I won't let you live." I stated before running off towards Camelot again.

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