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We kept moving. Not looking back at the lost ones. There was nothing we could do now, but keep moving forward. Some boys couldn't help, but cry for their friends. I felt bad for them. They were too young, too innocent. They never properly learned how to deal with a death. I'm sorry I could help them.

For two days, nothing happened. We would ride around, eat meals, talk, and watch for danger. No troubles found us. Day five, we heard a girl scream. I gathered ten men and ran for the girls screams. We found a wolf snarling at her. I shout for the wolf. It ran for us, but one man stabbed its side, killing it. I walked towards the girl carefully. She was laying on the ground in a ball. Her dirty blonde hair covered her face. She was shaking. I kneeled down in front of her.

"Careful, sire," said one man. I turned towards them to find them watching us. I turned back to the girl. I gently touched her shoulder.

"Hello," She flinched away, "We aren't going to hurt you. I promise," no reply, "my name is Myrddin. These are some of my new recruits. I promise you, we mean no harm." She looked up at me. Her eyes were dark green and looking around terrified. I reached out for her hand. She took it, but then gave me a hug. I was shocked at first, but hugged back. I shushed her to quiet her cries. She sobbed into my shoulder. I knew then and there that I had to protect her. This was a dangerous forest for her to be in. I can't let anything happen to her. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her back to camp. The boys followed.

"Myrddin, what's happened?" Philip came running to me. He scooped up the girl from my arms and examined her for injuries on the nearest rock.

"She was attacked by a wolf," I replied as I kneeled down to her. "Can you tell us your name?" I asked gently.

"L-Lamia. That's my name," she said. I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, Lamia. Like I said before, my name is Myrddin. This is Philip. We will protect you from all harm, I promise." I explained to her. She smiled at me.

"Sire, may we speak with you?" One of the recruits asked.

"Can it wait?" I asked getting annoyed.

"No, it can't," he's voice shaking. I sighed as I stood.

"What's this about?" I asked them.

"We don't know who this girl is or how she came to be in the forest. For all we know she could be a monster as well," the tallest of the ten said.

"How dare you! Accusing an innocent girl. You better watch your tongue before it gets cut off!" I yelled at them in a rage.

"But, sir!" Pleaded the smallest.

"No buts! You are knights now. Act like it!" I yelled at them. "And if I see any one of you giving her a hard time, you are to be left behind and never return to Caerleon. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sire." They walked away with their heads down. How dare they. Lamia didn't do anything wrong. I looked to her as she stared at me. I smiled to her apologetic.

"I'm sorry, Lamia. I will make sure nothing wrong happens to you," I reassured her. Soon night fell and dinner drew in, but Lamia wouldn't eat anything. The next day we rode out to the east. Lamia said she knew of a safe place in the forest, and she wanted to help us like we helped her. Joseph and Thomas argued with me. They didn't trust her just like the other boys. It seemed like only Philip agreed with me. We had to stop half way for a small break. I took Lamia off my horse and she went to sit down by a tree as she played with her hair. I was about to grabbed a water skin for Lamia when I saw Philip walking toward her with his. I grew jealous. I walked in front of him and handed Lamia my water skin.

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