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"Hurry up, slow poke!" Called out Aetheria, laughing as she did. I rolled my eyes and raced after her. I noticed her light brown hair had looked almost red in the sunlight, and I couldn't help smiling when she smiled. Even for someone having the worst possible day ever, her smiles are contagious.

"Would you like to carry this basket, Milady?" I teased. She smirked and her hands were on her hips.

"Well, you are the one that insisted on carrying the thing, now aren't you? Wouldn't even tell me what's in it," she replied.

"I underestimated where the place was. How much further is it?" I asked, setting the basket on the ground for a few seconds to get feeling into my fingers again.

"It's just a few more miles. We're almost there. Do you think you can carry it for a while longer?" She looked towards the trail ahead of us.

"Of course I can," I glared playfully at her. She smiled before skipping up ahead. I went for the basket again, but my hands cramped up. Damn. I've been carrying this damn basket for at least an hour now, constantly switching hands. Of course my hands cramp up when we're almost there.

"Everything all right back there?" I heard the princess's voice ahead of me. I looked at her as I rubbed my hand. She was smiling and probably holding in a laugh.

"Would you help me, Please? My hands have cramped up," I complained. She walked back to me.

"It would be my pleasure to help out such a kind sir," she replied picking up the basket, "and I promise I won't look inside."

She began walking and I right behind her. It was a warm, gentle morning today. Aetheria and I saw many of the wild life roaming around the forest. Surprisingly, we even caught sight of a black cow. We couldn't stop laughing for a few minutes. The air smelled of the sweet earth. I could even sense a little bit of magic to it.

It didn't take long for us to reach our destination. It still looked the same since the last time we were here. A mixture of bluebells, forget-me-nots, hyssops, white jasmines, camellias, and purple hyacinths filled the whole field. The flowers were Aetheria's favorite part of this place. Mine was getting away from the castle to just relax— especially with the woman I love.

She placed the basket down in the middle of the field, gesturing for me to follow her. I did and kneeled right in front of her. I opened the basket and pulled out the blanket. Then, I pulled out our meal: fresh fruit, cheeses from our French visitors, sandwiches, and some wine. Inside the basket was also a thinly woven wire ring with a moonstone attached. I had made this the other day with a little bit of my magic. I thought Aetheria deserved something special.

"What a lovely meal, Sir Myrddin," she smiled. "Surely you couldn't have gone through all this trouble for a small picnic!"

I poured her some wine. "Only for you," I gave her her chalice, "I would run to France itself for these cheeses, and to the farthest garden for these fruits, and all the way to Italy for the wine." I poured myself some wine.

"Cheers to my brave Thief," she raised her chalice towards me and took a sip. I laughed.

"Only this time I didn't steal the food," I reassured her.

"And that's what you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that," she ate a strawberry. "What makes this time so different?"

I turned towards the flowers. There were some butterflies flying nearby. I got an idea. "Come with me real quick," I stood up and offered my hand to her. She took it confused. We ran across the field.

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