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A man was walking down a dark corridor. I couldn't see his face, but I could recognize him. Something about him looked familiar. Next thing I knew, I was standing before a woman. Her hair as wild as her facial expression. She stood tall and confident. Something I will always admire of her. Her usual smirk planted on her face as she stared down at the man.

"What news do you bring me?" She questioned the man. He shifted uncomfortably on his feet. His hands behind his back as he approached the lady Morgana.

"He is deeply ill, m'lady," he stated shaking, "Arthur is worrying for his health as we speak. He won't have a will to fight seeing his servant like this." It was a knight of Camelot. I didn't know his name, but I recognized him easily from the training fields. I wondered why he was betraying Camelot.

"No, if I know anything of my dear brother, he will fight more if it is to protect the ones he love. With Merlin sick, he will want to protect him," Morgana paused for a moment to think.

"My lady, if I may, what are you proposing?" Asked the traitor. She snapped her head to look at him and grinned like she was mad.

"I'm going to ease up the spell, make it less advance. Merlin will began to get better," she replied. The young knight looked at her confused.

"What about the plan?" He asked her.

"I'm changing the plan," she announced as she walked down from her throne, "I think it's time to pay a certain king a visit." She smirked.

"Arthur?" Asked the knight, but all Morgana did as she stopped right in front of him was shake her head no.

"Merlin?" I felt someone holding up my right arm as I leaned against the stone wall. My head felt like pins and needles. I remember walking down the corridor with Leon at my side. We were heading towards the physicians chambers when my head began to pain. I remember hearing Leon call out to me as a leaned against the wall for support. With my head in my left hand, I had seen Morgana in a vision. This had never happened to me before, at least I don't think it did.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I told him as I looked to his troubled face.

"You blacked out for several moments," he said, "did you have another one?"

"No, this was different. This wasn't a memory. More of a vision," I told him, "I saw Morgana with a spy of Camelot."

"What?" He looked at me with disbelief.

"They were talking about plans," I stated.

"Plans?" He questioned, "plans of action?"

"Not really," I said, "I mean sort of. I don't know, but all I know right now is that she's the one that spelled me."

"Spelled you?" Leon asked bewildered, his eyes wide with rage and concern, two emotions that don't go together.

"Arthur or Gaius didn't say anything?" I asked him.

"Anything about what?" He looked at me, demanding an answer.

"There's a reason why I'm sick with these nightmares. Morgana spelled me," I explained. He looked like he was about to hit something so I said, "when I saw her in the vision, she said she was going to ease the spell, so I wasn't as sick."

"Why would she ease up the spell?" He asked as he leaned against the wall opposite of me.

"Why else does she do anything? To get to Arthur. She thought that if I remained sick, Arthur would fight with more strength to 'protect me'. She thought that if I got better, Arthur would lose interest in protecting me and more for the kingdom," I explained.

"I don't understand. Isn't that a good thing, or bad thing for her?" He asked.

"Maybe, but it's worst if he wants to protect someone he cares about, I guess." I shrugged. There was no way Arthur cared about me that much, but Morgana seemed to think so.

"I guess," he looked to the floor. "Is there anything else?"

"No," I said.

"Then, we should start on our way again." Leon said as he lead the way. We headed down the corridor once again after I took a deep breath. I didn't know how Arthur would react to me running out like that. He must have woken up, saw that my bedroom door was open and freaked. I didn't know if anything could prepare me for what happened when I walked through that door.

"Merlin!" Gaius ran up to me, engulfing me in a hug. I looked up to meet Arthur's gaze. He stood by my door with his arms crossed. He had a playful smile across his face.

"Well, Merlin, I knew you were on idiot, but I didn't know you were this much of an idiot," Arthur joked before he became serious again, "what were you thinking? You aren't well. You must stay in bed and get better."

"Arthur, Gaius," I said after Gaius pulled away, "I apologize, but I was feeling better and just needed some air. I don't need anymore rest. I'm feeling much better."

"I would like to disagree. You haven't woken up in days after we had our last conversation. You're fever was beyond controlling. As much as I hate saying this, you need more rest." Gaius told me.

"I promise you, I'm fine now. No fever," I said touching my cold forehead. I looked to Leon for help.

"Sire, I found Merlin outside. He seemed perfectly fine to me. We had a conversation and he seemed to be the normal Merlin we all know." Leon stepped in. I felt bad for him lying, but it was best for now. I was glad he didn't say anything about my visions or the whole Morgana thing.

"I promise you, I will be able to return to work by tomorrow." I told Arthur. It took a few moments, but Arthur finally agreed.

"Alright, but I want you to take it easy tomorrow." I nodded to him before he walked out. Leon lingered a few moments before leaving as well. I looked to Gaius.

"Ready to talk to me now?" Gaius asked raising his eyebrows. I sighed and turned away from him.

"Not right now, Gaius. Please, understand?" He nodded his head before turning his back on me. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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