Chapter Thirty One

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Six whole months had passed, day in and day out, Brian remained by Maya's side, writing her a new letter each and every day, confessing his love for her. His daily routine was beginning to show signs of improvement in Maya's memory, little aspects of her everyday life bringing her a sense of déjà vu. Brian seemed a lot happier in himself to have his girlfriend slowly making the progress that she needed to make, in order to be back to who she once was, before the tragic accident occurred.

Even though the couple appeared to be the happiest that they had ever been, Joe, James, and Sal could all sense the impact that it was having on their best friend. Sure, he was happy to be with Maya, but having to go over the same story, the same heartbreak, the same was beginning to take its toll on him. They could tell that he was growing tired, his eyes darkened underneath, his energy not being put into the show anymore.

After filming had finished for the day, Sal offered for Brian to come back round his house for the evening, to which Brian accepted, seeing as Maya had a doctor's appointment to attend. They both met back at Sal's place, pulling into his driveway, and making their way into his home. The house was empty, what with Bryony still on her shift.

" are things between you and Maya?" Sal asked, after they both took a seat on the two different sofas. Brian shrugged his shoulders, a simple smile plastered on his face.

"Oh, we're just the same..." Brian responded. Sal crossed his eyebrows questioningly, as Brian looked at him blankly. After a short while, Brian broke the silence. "What, Sal?"

"Are you sure that's it? You seem to have more to say that's all."

"What is it with you and constantly monitoring me like I'm in need?" Brian sighed in frustration, as Sal went to respond, before he was cut off by Brian. "No, seriously, always worry about me...I'm fine!"

"But you're not! Clearly, as you're getting wound up on the slightest things. Are you sure this...being with a good thing?" Sal asked sympathetically. Anger struck its way across Brian's face, as he slammed his fist down against the arm of the sofa.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Brian fumed, his breath seething through gritted teeth.

"I-It's just that me and the guys have seen-"

"Oh so you have been discussing it amongst yourselves? How nice of you." Brian scoffed, as he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Bri, we're just worried about you." Sal replied calmly. He didn't understand why Brian was getting so antsy over it all, at the end of the day, his friends were only looking out for him, and what's best for his mental health.

"Why? I'm fine!" Brian shouted, his tone of voice angered. Sal let his shoulders drop, tilting his head to the side, as he looked across at Brian, with his eyebrows raised.

"I know that you're not, Brian. I can just tell." He sighed.

"Oh yeah, because you know everything don't you, Sal? You know what's for best for me. You know what the answer to life is. Hell, you know what time I shit as well, don't you?" Brian commented sarcastically. He stood from the sofa, grabbing his car keys, and made his way over to the front door, with Sal following suit.

"Where are you going, Brian?" Sal questioned innocently, as Brian came to a stop in the hallway. His fists clenched up into balls, as he spun on his heel to face Sal. A pure scowl set across his face, Brian's glare practically burrowing into Sal.

"I'm going wherever I want to go! Stop acting like my fucking father!" Brian growled. He huffily slung his hoodie over his shoulders, and slammed his feet into his shoes. He went to open the front door, when a mumble of words from behind stopped him. Brian slowly turned to face Sal. "What the fuck did you just say?"

"I said...I" Sal stammered, Brian's fury intimidating him greatly. Brian held his hand up to his ear, awaiting for Sal to repeat himself.

"Come on, spit it out if it's that important."

"I said that I wish you'd never met her..." Sal whispered, letting his shoulders slump.

Brian crossed his eyebrows, his breathing gradually becoming heavier. His eyes looked around the room, as his teeth nipped at his lower lip, refraining him from saying something that he'd ultimately regret.

"Fuck you." Brian snarled, taking a step to closer to Sal. They were the same height, but seeing Brian like that made Sal cower beneath him, trembling in fear. "Maya's all I have to be happy, and you want to take that away from me?! Some friend you are, Sal."

"I didn't meant it like that...I just meant-"

"What did you mean, huh?! There is no other meaning to what you said. I'm fucking done with all of this. You guys treat me like a kid sometimes!" Brian snapped, throwing his hands about in frustration.

"We only want what's best for you, Brian. We know that Maya makes you happy, and we love that she does...but..." Sal let out a sigh, as he ran a hand through his hair in distress.

"But what?"

"It can't be good for you to have to go through that heartbreak every single day, just to be with the girl that you love." Sal whispered.

Brian looked at him, taking a deep breath, and placing his hands on his hips. He could see what Sal was getting at, but he thought that it was normal for anyone to go through pain to be with the one that they love. It wasn't Maya's fault that she got into an accident, nor was it Brian's, but he couldn't lose her, he couldn't let himself get back to what he once was.

"Let me ask you then..." Brian started, gaining Sal's attention. "If the same had happened to Bryony...would you not do the same?"

"I-I guess I would...but I'd at least admit when it was getting me down. Bri, you need to speak your mind, keeping it to yourself can only ever make things worse." Sal consoled, looking at his best friend for some kind of response.

"You want me to speak my mind? Okay, I will." Brian commented, peculiarly calm. "Having to make a girl I know that I am meant to be with fall in love with me every single fucking day is a struggle. One day she could be all over me, the next she won't believe me. As soon as the sun rises each morning, the process begins all over again, and I can't fucking take it anymore."

Brian gulped, each word that came flowing out of his mouth taking him by surprise. His anger grew, the frustration killing him slowly. He let out a shaky breath, the tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I've got to go." He added, turning back to face the door. 

Sal watched, as Brian stormed out of his home and clambered into his car, before speeding off down the road. Sal returned to his living room, perching on the edge of the sofa, and taking a deep breath. He didn't understand what he had done so wrong, he was only looking out for his friend. Perhaps his comments regarding Maya would have been better off left unsaid, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. He had caused Brian to finally break, his feelings towards the matter clearly that of pain and heart wrenching for him to withstand. Sal can't imagine how hard it is for him to see Maya the way she is...he'd never be as strong as Brian had been, had the same happened to Bryony.

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