Chapter Sixteen

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The two spent the rest of the morning together. Brian and Maya were still laying together on the sofa, snuggled underneath the blanket, as nine o'clock came about. They were awake, just enjoying the company of one another. Brian had his head laid back, with his eyes shut. His hand was softly brushing up and down Maya's forearm, as he let out a breath.

"You fancy some breakfast?" He asked, as he lifted his head and opened his eyes. Maya turned to face him, smiling eagerly.

"I'd love some, thank you." She replied.

Brian stood up and went out to kitchen, preparing some toasted bread, bacon, and eggs. He was busy frying up the eggs, when he heard footsteps on the tiled kitchen floor. He turned around to see Maya shuffling into the room, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. Brian smiled at her, before sliding a plate of food along the counter. She caught it in her hands before it slid off of the end, as she let out a giggle. Brian winked at her, causing her cheeks to blush. He soon joined Maya, as he took a seat beside her.

"This is really good, Bri. You're an amazing cook." Maya complimented, as Brian thanked her. He smiled hard, nudging his elbow into her side. Maya let out a giggle, as she elbowed him back. Brian once again knocked his elbow into her side, as Maya pushed him back. The two started to play fight until Brian gave in.

"Okay, okay, okay! You win!" He laughed, holding his hands out to stop her from doing anything else. Maya took one last bite of food, as she nodded her head.

"You're damn right I win." She joked. Brian stacked up the empty plates, as he took them over to the sink, leaving them there to clean up later on. The two of them walked back through to the living room, as Maya slipped her shoes and jacket on. "I'd better get home. I'll text you." She smiled, as she pulled Brian into a hug. He was hesitant on what to do, before settling on a simple kiss to the cheek. He walked her to the door, waving goodbye, as she made her way to her car.

As soon as her car had left his driveway, Brian closed the front door and made his way into his living room. He took a seat on his sofa, as he let out a sigh. He missed her presence already. He retrieved his phone from the coffee table, hitting Sal's name on his contact list. Brian held the device to his ear, as the phone rang. Eventually, Sal answered, sounding rather out of breath.

"What is it, Bri?" Sal asked. "I'm kind of busy..."

"Oh shit. Sorry, Sal, am I disturbing you?" Brian panicked.

"Let's just say that I was having some morning alone time with my wife." Sal chuckled, causing Brian to repeatedly apologise. "It's fine, I'll be round in an hour, okay? I can tell that you have news for me." Sal spoke, before hanging up the phone. Brian sat back, switching the TV on, as he waited for his friend to arrive.

An hour later, Brian heard the sound of a car pull up outside of his house. Sure enough, out of the window, he could see that it was Sal's Dodge Charger. Sal made his way to the door, knocking against the surface. Brian stood from where he was sat, slipping his FDNY tee over his head, before swinging the door open. Immediately, Sal could tell that Brian was in a good state of mind; his hair had been brushed, and he had actually managed to get himself dressed. Sal stepped into his home, making his way over to where the two always spent their time together – Brian's sofa.

"So..." Sal breathed, as he took his seat. He looked at Brian, a smirk pulling across his face. "What did you do last night? No, sorry...who did you do last night?"

"It wasn't like that okay. I almost lost her, Sal...and then somehow I had the best night of my life." Brian smiled to himself, just picturing his night with Maya. Sal was all ears, anticipating the story that Brian had in store for him. "So I invited her round to play video games-"

"Damn, absolute stud." Sal interrupted. Brian gave him an unimpressed look, trying to hide the smile on his face.

"Shut up." Brian snapped. "As I was saying, we were playing video games and kind of ended up play fighting. I was so fucking happy...and then I - and then I made a mistake. I kissed her." Brian explained. Sal sat up to speak, before Brian stopped him. "She got upset and ran out of here. I chased after her, and opened up to her. I told her everything, Sal."

"Everything? How, did she take it all?" Sal asked, placing a hand to Brian's back in comfort. Brian took a deep breath, his voice slightly shaken.

"She listened...and I apologised. We talked things through, and next thing I know, we made love. And yes, I mean making love because that night was so passionate. It wasn't just sex to me, I felt something that I'd never felt before..."

"An orgasm?" Sal joked, gaining a frustrated tut out of Brian. "Brian, I'm kidding. I'm glad that things finally happened between you and Maya. So, how were things left between you two?"

"I'm going to take her out for dinner." Brian smiled. Sal pulled him into a hug, congratulating him, before the conversation swiftly moved onto the more allude side of things.

"Was she good?" Sal smirked slyly. Brian placed his hand against his heart, as he bit at his lower lip.

"Maya was the fucking best, Man. Her body is so - ooh, fuck. She's gorgeous." Brian spoke, his eyes practically in the shape of hearts. He was in love, and Sal could tell.

"You're in love with her, Dude." Sal teased, making Brian blush. He shyly nodded his head, brushing a strand of hair behind his ear.

"Yeah...Yeah, I am." Brian confirmed proudly.

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