Chapter Fifteen

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"Seeing as you opened up to me, Brian...I feel that I should do so too." Maya sniffled, as Brian wrapped his arms around her. The pair of them were snuggled up after their impromptu intimate moment together mere moments ago.

"Don't feel you need to, Maya. If you must tell me, make sure it's when you're ready to." Brian sympathised, his hand running up and down her forearm. Maya took a deep breath, as her eyes shifted upwards to meet with Brian's.

"I am ready to. A few years after we had moved here from England, my mother got into a relationship with a man. He was great at first, but then the drink got to him. He started to become abusive towards my mother and I. I'd often fear that I wasn't going to wake up the next morning. My mother had to cover up her bruises for work, not wanting her friends to find out about it all. She somehow managed to win the legal battle, and now the scumbag is rotting in jail." Maya whimpered, tears filling her eyes to the brim. She didn't want to cry, she wasn't weak from it all, if anything, she was stronger because of it.

"Oh Maya, I'm so sorry..." Brian frowned, as he pulled her close to him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, as she cleared her mind, ready to continue on.

"I thought I was away from all of that, until I met Kyle. He was a boyfriend I had throughout college. Once again, it started off great, he was real gentlemanly, but then he became possessive over me. He'd get mad if a guy even looked at me. I was constantly being accused of cheating on him, until one day he took it out on me...physically. His hands clamped around my neck, as he pinned me down onto the bed. I was shaken so hard that he knocked me out cold. I ended up in hospital because of it. I don't know where the asshole is now because I haven't seen him since...I guess that's why I got scared to get close to you so soon. I'm scared that it'll happen again..." Maya wiped a tear from her cheek, as Brian shushed her softly.

"I'll never let anything happen to you. You're so special to me, Maya. I would love to take you out for dinner, and show you what a real gentleman is like." Brian smiled supportively. Maya cowered into him, as she slowly nodded her head. "You trust me, don't you? I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"I trust you, Brian." She smiled weakly.

Maya remained wrapped up in his embrace for the rest of the night, as they talked the night away. Brian had gotten onto the subject of the show, as his eyes looked out of the window, being met with the sun creeping over the horizon. The pair of them had been talking throughout the whole night, not even realising that a new day had begun. Brian placed a kiss to her forehead, as he pointed out of the window.

"Shit, didn't realise that we had even been talking for that long." He chuckled, causing a smile to form on Maya's face. She placed a kiss to his chest, before getting up and making her way up the stairs to his bathroom. Brian watched her nude body, studying the small butterfly tattoo that was located just above her ass, as she walked out of the room. He loved every single thing about the girl, and he was so thankful to have met her at the bar the other night. He threw his head back once the coast was clear, smiling to himself. "I think I'm in love." He mumbled to himself.

Maya soon returned from the bathroom, wrapped up in a towel, after having showered. Brian sat up, wrapping the blanket across his lap. He smiled at her, before offering her a seat. She sat next to him, as he curled an arm around her shoulders.

"You can borrow some of my clothes if you want to, I don't mind." He related to her. Maya thanked him, as she soon made her way back upstairs, before returning in a pair of Brian's sweatpants, and his Green Lantern tee. His jaw dropped open, as he gawked at her. He didn't know why, but just seeing her in his clothes made him feel that she was his, and he was hers. Maya's cheeks turned a primrose red, as she blushed shyly. His clothes were hanging off of her, but she didn't care. They were comfortable, and that's all that mattered.

Maya returned to her seat next to Brian, as they watched TV for a short while. Once the episode had finished, Brian went to stand up, before realising that he still had no clothes on. He stammered, his hand gripping tightly onto the blanket that lied across their laps.

"E-Erm...I still need to get dressed." He blushed, as Maya giggled lightly.

"Bri, I saw plenty of it last night. I think you're good to go." She laughed, as Brian chuckled nervously. He jumped up from the sofa, racing out of the room, not giving Maya too much time to see his manhood. She could hear the shower running from upstairs, as she scrolled through her phone.

Before too long, Brian reappeared in the doorway, dressed in just a pair of basketball shorts. His hair was still damp, with it spiked in all different directions. He leant against the doorframe, as he studied her. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and he couldn't get the thought of the previous night out of his head. Maya looked up from her phone, catching Brian looking at her.

"Well hey there good-looking." She giggled. Brian let out a chuckle, as he made his way over to her. He let out a sigh, as he placed a hand to her thigh.

"I was serious about what I said last night. Let me take you out for dinner and show you what a good time is." He offered. Maya looked at him, her face emotionless, before a smile pulled at the corners of her mouth.

"Okay." She smiled, leaning in to press a kiss against his stubble covered cheek.

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