Chapter Twenty Five

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A faint sound of beeping machinery seeped into Maya's ears, as she rolled her head from side to side, not wanting to wake up. Her head was pounding, as her eyes fluttered open. The sight that laid before her was not that of her bedroom, no, it was that of a small hospital room. Her green eyes scanned the scene around her, just as a nurse strolled into her room with a tray of what looked to be sponges and soap.

"Hey, you're up!" The nurse beamed, as she placed the tray down to her side. Her name badge read 'Nurse Ford' and she had her brunette locks tied up in a ponytail. Nurse Ford took hold of Maya's hand, reading her pulse, before grabbing the clipboard with all of her notes on, and scribbling something down.

"What happened to me?" Maya asked, catching the nurse before she had left the room.

"I'm not liable to reveal that information, but don't worry, Sweetie, I'll get the doctor to visit you right away." Nurse Ford smiled, before leaving Maya on her own once again. Maya sighed to herself, she had no clue what day it was, where she was, or even who she was.

Within the hour, her doctor, Dr Brown, had come along to check her over. He stepped into the room, greeting Maya with a supportive smile, before coming to the side of the bed. He read through her notes, as he pulled up a chair. Maya looked at him in concern, still having no whereabouts to the time or place she was at.

"What's the last thing you remember, Miss Johnson?" Dr Brown asked, getting his pen at the ready for his notes. Maya took a second, thinking about the last part of her life that she could remember clearly.

"I remember getting ready for a date or something, but then by the end of the night I was crying...I think he broke up with me?" Maya questioned herself, as the doctor took notes.

"So you've no relationship now then? As we would need to contact them ASAP, seeing as you've been in a coma for the past couple of weeks."

"No...I guess I don't. W-Wait, I've been in coma for two weeks?!" Maya shot up from the bed in a panic, as the doctor grabbed onto her arms, pulling her back down against the bed.

"Please, Miss Johnson, please remain lying down. I know that it is a lot to take in right now. I'm assuming you want to know what happened to you, right?" He asked, as Maya nodded her head. "Miss Johnson, you were in a terrible car accident, you're lucky to be alive today. Your car was a write-off I'm afraid, but don't worry, our team here contacted your insurance company, and everything has been sorted in time before you were to wake up."

"O-Oh..." Maya's voice was weak and timid, it was a lot of news for her to take in. The doctor's words kept ringing through her ears, how did she even survive?

Dr Brown did a full check over of Maya, seeing how much longer she was needed in hospital. Her sprained arm could be safely re-wrapped up, not being a cause of a delay to her release. He looked over her notes once more, before confirming to her that she could be back home by this time tomorrow.

"Your test results all look good, we'll get that arm in a sling, and you'll be able to return home tomorrow afternoon. Although, I would like you to come to weekly appointments to check up on how you're doing, as you do show signs of amnesia, which over time should improve." Dr Brown smiled. Maya thanked him, before he left her to her own devices.


Brian woke up the next morning, getting himself ready for filming at the hospital. He showered, and got himself dressed. He even managed to have a proper breakfast for the first time in two whole weeks. Brian grabbed everything he needed for the long day ahead, before swiftly making his way out to his Jeep Wrangler. He strapped himself in, and started up the engine. Pressing down on the pedal, he slowly reversed off of his drive, before heading to set for the day.

As he pulled into the parking lot, he spotted Sal leant against his bonnet, clearly waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. Brian parked up in the next row, not wanting to disturb him, in case he was still mad about the day prior. He locked up his car, before copying Sal's idea, and just leant against the side of his car, with his back to Sal.

"You're not even going to greet me then?" Sal commented, as Brian slowly turned round to face him. He shrugged his shoulders huffily.

"Didn't think you'd want to speak to me, Sal..." Brian replied, his tone of voice stern. He heard Sal let out a deep sigh, and watched as he placed his thumb and forefinger against the bridge of his nose.

"Bri, I was only trying to help you not see that?"

"Yeah...yeah, I see." Brian sighed. "I'm sorry."

"And I'm sorry too. Friends?" Sal questioned, as his eyebrows raised hopefully. Brian nodded, a small smile pulling at his lips. Sal stepped over to where Brian was stood, and pulled him into a side hug, just as Joe and Murray pulled up in Joe's car, along with the rest of the crew.

"Woah, we're not interrupting the hugging party are we?" Joe joked, as Brian flipped him off, letting a chuckle escape.

The guys walked with the crew into the hospital, where the majority of the cameras had been set up in one of the waiting rooms. They were shown where all of the cameras were, so that they could give glances throughout their turn on the floor. Joe was up first, he got a thumbs up, none of the answers to his survey being a challenge to him. Sal was up next, he had gotten through everything up until the last question, where Joe completely stumped him. Sal winced, he didn't want to have to lose, but there's no way he could continue. He held his thumbs down at the camera, pouting sadly. The crew decided that it was a good time for a lunchbreak, as Che went to the nearest take out and got everyone their orders. She soon returned, handing out the food to everyone. The Jokers took a seat in a backroom, each of them scrolling through their phones. Brian took the time to respond to a couple of fans on Twitter, seeing as he had been inactive for the past couple of weeks.

"How is everyone then?" Murray asked, before taking a bite of his sandwich. Sal shrugged his shoulders.

"The same as usual. Bryony sends her love by the way." He answered.

"Bessy and I are actually thinking of having a baby." Joe announced, as all three pairs of eyes shot towards him. "What?"

"For real? Well, good luck to you, Bud." Murray smiled, before turning to Brian. "What about you, Bri?"

"What about me?" He responded, as Murray crossed his eyebrows in a confused manner.

"How are things with you?"

"They're just things...nothing much happens to me." Brian chuckled awkwardly, bringing an end to that conversation.

As the afternoon came about, they were called back to set, swinging right back into where they had left things off. It was now Murray's turn. He made his way into the waiting room, with his wrist wrapped up in a fake cast, as he struggled to write down on the paper. The patient sat next to him offered their help, as Murray handed over the paper to her. Much like Sal, Murray had managed to surpass all of the questions, except for one. Sal stumped him, as Murray punched at his own thigh in frustration, knowing full well that he had lost. Finally, it was Brian's turn, he made his way out onto the floor, taking a seat in the chair at the end of the row. He was preparing himself, not wanting to have to take a loss on the challenge. He was busy reading through the questions, when out of the corner of his eye, he saw a girl walk in. He did a double-take, instantly realising that it was Maya.

"Guys, stop filming for a second." He whispered into his microphone, before standing up and making his way over to her. He leant against the desk, smiling at her. "Hey, Maya."

"Erm...hi?" She replied, perplexed by who was standing next to her. Brian frowned, believing that he had done something to upset her.

"Did I do something wrong? Because if so, I'll fix it, I can't lose you." Brian poured his heart out, taking a step closer to her. Maya stepped back, stammering a response.

"W-Who are you?" She questioned, slightly panicked by the stranger's forwardness.

Amnesia | Brian QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now