Chapter Twenty Three

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Another week had passed, and Brian still hadn't left his home. Multiple times throughout the week Joe, James, and Sal had been to visit him, only to be left at his front door. Brian had withdrawn himself from all contact, remaining in his bed, his cheeks stained with tears. He was starving, but he couldn't bring himself to eat more than a mouthful of food, practically sick to the stomach from his sadness.

Sal took the matter into his own hands, planning on getting Brian out of his house, even if it's just to hang out round his own home. He needed to talk to Brian, get him out this rut that he was beginning to grow accustomed to. Sal didn't care that he may be hated for it in the process, he had to get Brian back on track. He pulled up outside of Brian's house, and made his way to the front door, ringing the doorbell. Sal waited there for a short while, receiving no answer. Sal took a step back, looking up to the window that he knew was Brian's bedroom. He bent over, picking up a small stone from the driveway, and threw it up at the glass.

Brian heard a light bang against the glass, as he rolled over in bed, looking out of the window. Within seconds, he saw a stone come flying up and tap at the window pane. He rolled his eyes, knowing that whoever it was at his front door, were not going to leave until he showed his face. Brian reluctantly clambered out of bed, wrapping his quilt around him, as he stepped towards the windowsill. He pushed open the window, looking down to the ground.

"Sal, just go away...please." Brian called out, making Sal shake his head. He brushed his hands off from the dirt from the stones, before looking up at Brian.

"Not until I get you out of the house. This isn't good for you, Bri. Come on, just get yourself dressed and come round mine for a bit, the fresh air on the drive will do you good. You look a wreck." Sal called up.

"Way to knock a man while he's down, Sal." Brian commented, rolling his eyes. He went to close the window, before Sal stopped him.

"Come on, Bri...I know you want to spend time with your best pal." Sal joked, his smile soon fading away. "Do it for me, please? I'm worried about you." Brian let out a scoff, as he shook his head, laughing for the first time in what seemed like forever.

"No one worries about me, Sal..."

"If that were true, why have all three of us been constantly round here checking on you? We do care, Bri. Just let me in, I don't want to give your neighbours more of a show than they've already seen." Sal spoke sincerely.

Brian nodded his head, before closing his window. He made his way down his stairs, walking up to the front door. Through the blurred glass, he could see the outline of Sal waiting patiently to let him inside. Brian yanked the door open, a weak smile on his face. Sal's face crumbled, seeing the state his best friend was in. He walked inside, placing a hand to Brian's shoulder.

"Why don't you get showered, and we can go back to my place, just for a change of scenery, huh?" Sal suggested, as Brian shook his head.

"N-No, I'm not leaving." He responded, pulling his quilt tighter over his shoulders. Sal let out a sigh, he had to find a way to get Brian out of the oblivion he had found himself in. "I'm fine."

"Brian..." Sal sighed, looking into his eyes. "You're not fine, and you know that you're not. Please, let me help you."

Brian could see in Sal's eyes that he was sincere in his words. He felt at fault for making his friend feel that way, and the last thing that Brian wanted was to hurt another person in his life. He nodded his head, as he slowly ascended the stairs to shower and get dressed for the first time in two whole weeks. Sal took a seat on the sofa in the living room, texting the others to tell them about the progress he had made with Brian.

"Hey, he's ready." Sal smiled, as Brian walked into the room. His hair was still damp, and he was dressed in his sweatpants and hoodie. Brian didn't care how he looked, he just wanted this over with, so that he could return to his bed.

The pair of them walked out to Sal's car, and got into their seats. Sal started the engine, as Brian shuffled in his seat. He was nervous to say the least. Sal drove over to his house, letting the windows down so that Brian could feel the fresh air against his cheeks. He hadn't been outside in two weeks, and deep down inside, Brian actually enjoyed feeling the sun beat down on him.

As Sal pulled into his driveway, Brian instantly relaxed, appreciative of the fact that Sal was taking him somewhere he felt comfortable in. They walked up to the door, as Sal let them both into his home. Immediately, Sal made his way through to the kitchen, greeting his wife, as Brian shuffled up behind him. Bryony turned around, a smile pulling at her face as she saw Brian.

"Brian! It's good to see you, how are you doing?" She greeted, pulling him into a hug. Brian nodded his head, a fake smile upon his face.

"Uhh...good, yeah...good thanks." He replied, as Sal folded his arms, giving him a disapproved look.

"Now tell the truth, Brian." Sal commented. Bryony looked between them both, slightly perplexed, as Brian let out a sigh.

"Awful...but you know, I'm getting there." He half-heartedly chuckled. Bryony looked at him sincerely, placing a hand to his shoulder.

"Well, I know that you're in good hands with the guys. I'm here too, if ever you need me." She smiled supportively, as Brian thanked her.

The trio moved into the lounge, where they all took a seat on the sofas. Sal sat next to Bryony, draping his arm across her shoulders, as Brian took a seat on the sofa opposite. He twiddled his thumbs, as they conversed for a short while. Sal could see that Brian was beginning to slowly drift out of the conversation.

"Bri, do you want to put a movie on?" Sal offered, as Brian nodded his head. He got up, placing Star Wars: A New Hope into the DVD player. Brian returned to his seat, as he got himself comfy, whilst Sal and Bryony cuddled up together. Brian remained focused on the film, not wanting to get jealous of the fact that they had one another. He could have been doing this with Maya, but he couldn't think of her right now...he had to move on from it all.

Halfway through the film, Brian glanced across to the pair of them, watching Sal kiss at Bryony's temple. He wanted that with someone, he did have that with someone, a special someone. Brian let out a sigh, as he turned back towards the TV. Even though he loved Star Wars, he just couldn't get into it this time around, his mind was too busy racing over all of his dark thoughts, swarming his brain with negativity. He could hear Bryony giggle, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see Sal pull her on top of him. They were cuddling and kissing one another, as Brian folded his arms, trying his best not to turn his attention towards them, but to no avail.

"Do you guys fucking mind?!" He snapped, as they both froze in their spot, slowly and gradually sitting up. Sal crossed his eyebrows, as his hand clasped Bryony's tightly.

"Don't speak to my wife like that." Sal commented calmly, as Brian huffed in frustration. "Talk to me, now...tell me what's on your mind."

Brian's eyes slowly shifted across the room, until they met with Sal's, the feeling of guilt residing through him. He let out a sigh, his breath shaky and weak, as Sal raised his eyebrows, anticipating a response out of the man. Brian knew that he had done wrong in snapping in the way that he did, but he couldn't take it anymore. Sal knew that all he wanted was a girl to love, and there he was, rubbing it in his face that he had a wife.

"I-I want that with Maya..." Brian sniffled, as tears filled his eyes.

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